To tall to kiss- Lukagami

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It has been a long time now, since Adrien had rejected Kagami. But she didn't mind it so much now. Especially with her new found feelings for someone else. There were a few problems though. So, she went to one of her only friends for help.

"Thanks for meeting me here Marinette." Kagami greeted.

"Of course." Marinette chirped. "Now what do you need my help with? You didn't say much about it when you texted me."

"It's...about Luka." Kagami answered sheepishly.

"What about Luka, exactly?" Marinette raised an eyebrow.

"After spending so much time with him...after we were rejected...I kind of... developed feelings for him." Kagami replied.

Marinette was bouncing excitedly in her seat. She was thrilled with the idea of them being together. Two of her friends being happy together.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" Marinette beamed.

"Yeah...great." Kagami muttered.

"What's the problem? If you like Luka than go tell him. What are you waiting for?" Marinette questioned.

"The problem." Kagami gave a light chuckle. "That's the problem. On top of others."

"Like what?" Marinette asked.

"I...I'm afraid." Kagami reluctantly admitted. "What if he doesn't feel the same way? We are actually friends and I would hate to ruin things."

"Come on. Luka is a sweet guy. He wouldn't let anything get between him and his friends." Marinette assured. "Besides, I think you will be happy when you tell him."

"Are you sure?" Kagami asked unsure.

"You asked for my help, right? So, my advice would have to be the following. Go find Luka, tell him how you feel, and kiss him." Marinette remarked.

"Yeah, but that's another problem. He's to tall for me to kiss." Kagami pointed out.

"I still don't think that will be a problem." Marinette gave a cheeky grin. "Just go tell him. If it doesn't go well, I will owe you! Three favors. That's how confident I am that this will work."

"Fine." Kagami sighed. "I'll do it. Just please stop."

"Alright, alright. I'll leave you to it. I would wish you luck. Not that you will need it." Marinette nudged Kagami's arms before she stood up and walked off.

Once Marinette was gone, Kagami took in a deep breath and pulled out her phone. She opened her contacts and went to text Luka but hesitated. What if Marinette was wrong?

"No...I'm going to do this." Kagami affirmed. "Even if he is to tall to kiss." She laughed to herself.

With, yet, another deep breath she texted Luka, asking to meet up. Kagami was pleasantly surprise that he had texted her back so quickly. He said he would meet her and they established a meeting place and a time.

So Kagami went and waited for Luka at the lock bridge. She paced for a bit, wondering if this was really a good time to tell him. She could just say this was to hang out but then again, how many people come to lock bridge just to hang out. Luka was the one to suggest this place though and that's what gave her hope.

"Hey Kagami." Luka greeted. Kagami turned to him with a small jump. "You wanted to talk?" He questioned when she didn't reply.

"Yes." Kagami nodded. "I...I have something I want to tell you."

"Alright. Go ahead." Luka encouraged.

Kagami opened her mouth but nothing came out. She quickly closed her mouth and hid her face in her hands. This was a mistake. There was no way she was going to be able to do this.

"Kagami, is everything ok?" Luka rested his hand on her shoulder.

"No it's not." Kagami shook her head. "This was a mistake."

"What is?" Luka questioned. "You can tell me anything. I care about you Kagami."

"It's just...there's so many problems with this." Kagami muttered.

Luka knew what was supposed to happen, because Marinette had told him in advance. So, he decided to put her out of her misery.

"Like me being to tall to kiss." Luka whispered in her ear.

Kagami stiffened a moment before she finally looked up to him in shock.

" did you..?" Kagami trailed off.

"Marinette told me." Luka leaned down. "She wanted to make sure you had nothing to worry about and you don't." Kagami's mouth hung open. "I feel the same way about you."

Taking the opportunity, Luka leaned in further and kissed her. Kagami closed her eyes and kissed him back. They melted into each other as the kiss deepened.

"Ok, so maybe you aren't to tall to kiss." Kagami remarked.

"And if I am, let me know. I'd be happy to oblige." Luka caressed her cheek.

Kagami blushed but smile. "You're to tall right now."

Luka chuckled as he leaned back down and gave her another kiss.

After that, Luka and Kagami became an official couple but Kagami still grumbled to Marinette about telling Luka in advance. Even if it did help her.


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