The Mad Matchmaker

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A young girl by the name of Elle had come to the Collège Françoise Dupont as a exchange student in the same class as our favorite secret masked heroes. Elle was quite the romantic and could see who liked and/or loved who. Even referred to herself as the Love doctor or the ultimate matchmaker. However, she was also very dramatic and took offense when people didn't accept that they belonged together.

So, after several failed attempts to get Alix and Kim together, Elle was getting out her frustrations with her trusty crossbow during her free period.

"I can't believe it didn't work!" Elle growled firing an arrow at the target. "I mean, they would work to well together and would be adorable. If they would just listen to me then they would be happy." She huffed, angry. "Am I even good enough to call myself the love doctor? I have been here three days and can't even get one couple together."

Meanwhile, in the dark hideaway of a mansion, a window suddenly opened, disturbing a mound of butterflies.

"Poor little lady just wants everyone to be in love. But no one is willing to be open to it. Such disappointment and sadness that can turn to negative emotion." Hawkmoth grinned evilly, as he gives the Akuma its power. "Such perfect pray for my little Akuma. Fly away me little Akuma and evilize her!"

The Akuma flys away and over to Elle who has no idea of the threat upon her. Elle is on her knees, clutching her crossbow in frustration.

"I wish I could just, make them see that I'm right." Elle hissed.

The Akuma fluttered down and landed on her crossbow. The purple outline formed over her face, turning the crossbow dark purple.

"Hello Mad Matchmaker, I am Hawkmoth. I can help you become the matchmaker you are meant to be. I just need you to bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous." Hawkmoth offered.

"Consider it a match, Hawkmoth." Elle agreed.

The purple sludge like light engulfed her, changing her into Mad Matchmaker. The purple faded and her new appearance was revealed. Her skin was now white with a pink heart over her right eye. Her once short brown hair was now purple with two heart shaped buns atop her head. Her regular flowered skirt and lavender shirt were changed into a short dress with puffy sleeves, tiny Cupid wings on the back, and was decorated in hearts. Her shoes where pink with a little heart jewel on each one. The crossbow was now bright pink with little red and Purple Hearts along the sides.

The school bell rang, signaling that it was the perfect time for all her matches making pleasure.

"Time for matches to be made." Mad Matchmaker smirked. She then ran and jumped into the air, hovering high up for everyone to see. "Hello everyone!"

"What kind of villain is that?" Alya asked aloud.

"Is that...Elle?" Marinette wondered from the crowd.

"I'm am Mad Matchmaker and I am here to make you love each other." Mad Matchmaker chimed. Everyone just exchanged a weird look with each other, wondering of this was really an Akuma and if she was even a real threat. "Now that the introductions are out of the way...let's get started! Who should I bring together first? Oh I know!" She raised to crossbow, aiming it into the crowd.

"Everyone, run!" Adrien yelled.

The class followed the command. This only angered Mad Matchmaker.

"Hold still! Fine. I can work with this." Mad Matchmaker grinned. She quickly spotted Adrien pecking out from a corner and snuck up near him. "Adrien, you will love Marinette. Match made!" She commanded. A single pink arrow formed in the crossbow with Marinette written on it.

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