Drying tears

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Most people remember anniversaries of times that are special or make them happy. However, that is not the case for a teenage boy, by the name of Adrien Agreste. Today was the anniversary of his mother's death and he took it hard. It always hurt so much, but he rarely let himself cried over it. He had to keep it bottled up around his father and he wouldn't let his friends worry over him. So, he hid his pain with fake smiles and fake excuses.

It managed to fool the teachers, most of his class, even his house hold, but not his closer friends, and certainly not Marinette. She could see that he was hurting, but had no idea what the cause could be.

"Hey Adrien, are you alright?" Marinette asked him as they were leaving class.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Adrien gave his best fake smile.

Marinette frowned. "I can tell something is bothering you. Please tell me. It's not healthy to keep things like this bottled up." Adrien looked away for a moment, deciding if he should mention it. "Please, I want to help you."

"I'll tell you later, I promise. Just not a school." Adrien assured before walking away, and onto his next class.

As the day went on Adrien was becoming less and less convincing when asked of something was wrong. By the end of the school day, he was ready to crumble. He could only hope that he didn't have any after school activities and that there wasn't an Akuma attack. The last thing he needed was to crack during battle or in front of his lady.

"Hey, Natalie? Do I have anything to do after school today?" Adrien asked somberly into his cell phone.

"No. Not today Adrien." Natalie answered in her usual leveled tone. She was well aware of what day it was and had convinced, the already grieving, Gabriel to give him time off from his busy schedule.

"Thanks, but...um...would it be ok if...I didn't come home right away?" Adrien questioned, his voice shaking. "I...I just need some time away, you know?"

"Yes, you may stay out a little longer. Have a pleasant afternoon, Adrien." Natalie then hung up the phone.

"So, what are you going to do with your free time?" Plagg zipped out of his pocket. Adrien shrugged, all attempts of a fake smile were gone. "Kid, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's just get out of here." Adrien stated, heading for the bathroom door.

Plagg quickly zipped into his shirt pocket as Adrien opened the door. When he stepped out, Marinette nearly bumped into him.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. You see I was looking for..." Marinette rambled, having not looked at him yet "...Adrien! There you are."

"Yeah." Adrien sighed, looking to the floor.

"Hey, where is that smile?" Marinette worried, bringing his gaze back to her. They stood in silence for a bit, neither sure what to say. "You know you promised to talk to me, right?" Adrien nodded. Marinette looked around the near empty school for a moment. "Come to my house."

"What?" Adrien questioned.

"Come over to my house." Marinette repeated. "We can talk in private and you won't have to worry about anything."

"But...I..." Adrien tried to argue.

"No but's. I promise it will be fine. You can even have some baked treats to make you feel better." Marinette smiled.

"Ok." Adrien gave in.

So, Marinette took his hand and lead him to her house. When they entered, Adrien was met with a warm atmosphere and the sweet smells only a bakery could bring. He smiled a little, tiny bit, feeling more comfortable.

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