Took you for granted

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It all seemed like it was too late. Chat Noir had suddenly stopped pursuing his Lady. Correction, Ladybug. He had stopped with the flirting, calling her by the cute nicknames he came up with over the years, and kissing her hand. Ladybug took quick notice of this and it saddened her. She missed it, a lot but wouldn't admit it. He had finally moved on, just like she had always hoped. However, now she wished he hadn't.

He wasn't the only one though, because Marinette also payed less mind to Adrien. Of course they were still friends and she would always do something for him. But slowly, she had stopped stuttering, blushing, and fawning over him altogether. Marinette acted completely different around him. The difference struck Adrien with a unfamiliar uneasiness and he began to see her differently.

You see, they had both begun to tire of their obvious feelings not being noticed. So, they started to look for this feeling in someone else. It was only then that they realized what they had lost.

"Hey girl, what's with the sad face?" Alya nudged her friend. "Does it have to do with Adrien?"

"No." Marinette sighed. "It's someone else, actually."

"What? Are you saying you're over Adrien?" Alya questioned flabbergasted.

"Um, Maybe. I don't know any more, but there is...someone else." Marinette blushed as she thought of her new crush.

"And you didn't even tell me, you're best friend. Who is he?" Alya crossed her arms.

"Um...well, you don't know him...and...he doesn't go to our school." Marinette muttered. "If you don't mind...I'd rather not's to personally."

"Fine." Alya grudging agreed. "Let's get to class."

They turned back to the school building, but heard a loud smack. They stopped and saw Adrien holding his nose.

"Are you ok?" Marinette called in concern.

"Yeah. Just fine." Adrien replied and ran into the school before the girls could question him further.

"Dude, what was that about?" Nino asked as he jogged along beside him.

"I just got a little distracted." Adrien replied dismissively.

"You were staring at Marinette." Nino stated. "Are you finally crushing on her?"

Adrien blushed and looked away from his friend bashfully.

"Well...maybe." Adrien murmured in embarrassment.

"Dude, you should totally tell her." Nino insisted.

"I don't know...I'm still kind of getting over the other girl and I don't want to do that to Marinette if I'm not sure." Adrien explained.

Nino nodded in understanding. "Alright. Just don't dwell to much on this girl. If she hasn't said yes by now, maybe she just isn't worth it."

"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind." Adrien agreed.

With that, the school day started. The students moved about from class to class but Adrien and Marinette were having trouble focusing. Their minds were to caught up in each other, not that they new that.

Soon it was time for the heroes evening patrol. It went smoothly and there was thankfully no troubles to deal with.

"Another easy night." Ladybug breathed into the breeze. "Wouldn't you say, Kitty?"

"You bet, Ladybug." Chat replied.

"Well, we should get home. See you soon." Ladybug muttered and pulled her yo-yo off. "Bug-out."

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