More than pen pals- Ali x Rose

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I really like this ship and find it absolutely adorable, but because there are so few fan fics/stories of this ship I thought I would write one. 


"And done!" Rose exclaimed in her usual chipper voice. She folded the paper neatly and placed it in the envelope with his address already printed in it.

"Done with what?" Juleka asked her bubbly friend.

"I just finished writing a letter to Prince Ali!" Rose chirped. "We kept in touch since his visit and I love when I get his letters back." Juleka smiled knowingly at her best friend. "What is it?" Rose tilted her head.

"Someone is in love." Juleka replied in her quiet tone.

"What!" Rose squeaked in surprise, her cheeks taking on a shade to match her pink dress. Juleka's smile only grew at her reaction. " did you know?"

"It's obvious." Juleka remarked.

"Oh..." Rose muttered, holding the envelope close to her chest. "...what do I do about it? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do? Do I call him? Text him? Wait for him to visit? Oh by then it could be too late!"

"Rose, you need to calm down." Juleka stated to get her friends attention. Rose took a deep breath and waited for her to continue. "As for the confession of love, I think someone else could help you with that."

Rose pressed her lips together in thought for a moment.

"You're right! I know just who to ask. Thanks Juleka." Rose smiled and out of the near empty library they were sitting in.

Juleka nodded and went back to the book she was reading, a content smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Rose was in pursuit of her pigtailed friend for help on her confession. Thankfully, she found her quickly. She was talking with her best friend Alya.

"Marinette!" Rose called to her.

Marinette and Alya turned towards Rose as she came up to them.

"Hey Rose. Is something wrong?" Marinette asked a bit concerned.

"No, not is wrong, but I need your help with something." Rose answered. "How do you confess your love for someone?"

Marinette seemed to jump at the question, but cleared her throat as Alya snickered beside her.

"Well, you have come to the right place. We would be happy to help you." Alya announced. She then gridded the two to a small picnic table in the park. "So, who is this special someone?" Alya was quick to ask.

"It's Prince Ali!" Rose squealed in absolute delight.

"Awe!" Marinette and Alya sang in unison.

"But I don't know what to do." Rose admitted. "I've never told anyone my feelings before. What should I do?"

"Well, do it using something that you do together. Like...I don't know...who do you two keep in touch?" Marinette asked.

"We usually right letters." Rose answered.

"Then write him a love letter." Marinette suggested.

"Yeah. With will work. Just remember to sign it." Alya shook slightly with laughter.

Marinette only glared at her friend before returning her attention to Rose. The small blond still looked unsure of this idea.

"Write him a love letter telling him about how much you care about him, you're best memories, and the qualities that you love about him. If Ali doesn't return those same feelings, then it's his loss because you are a wonderful girl Rose." Marinette smiled.

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