Rey feared what those words would do to him. Had she been wrong to show him? Would Leia's last words only serve to push him further away? Something happened, however, as her energy dissipated into the Force. The bond was overflowing with sorrow and regret, but also gratitude, peace, and love. The heaviness of his presence in her mind seemed less burdened.

As the memory faded when his cloak dropped onto the empty bed, another memory emerged. Rey wasn't certain whether it was her doing or his. The memory was a moment she had thought about endlessly in the past few weeks, she knew every detail by heart.

Kylo reached across the galaxy to touch his fingertips to hers over the fire in that little hut on Ahch-To. A spark of energy passed between them, and for a brief moment, she was transported away from his sympathetic eyes. There were only brief snippets of a future, but the emotions were clear. She knew then the feelings she felt for this man were not meant for an enemy. The first flash was sand... then snow... a lake... then trees... his open palm, bare and outstretched... him standing beside Finn and Poe, weapon raised... her head on his shoulder... lightning... him standing to face Snoke... his carefree smile... ink written carefully on paper... deft fingers switching the falcon's controls... a boy's laugh... a pair of dice exchanging hands... a twin sunrise... an indigo hued kiss... his eyes bright with love, purpose and hope... and a blue, crossguard lightsaber. The emotions of the brief flashes were bright and hopeful. She had believed then that they would never have to be alone again.

She had been wrong.

There was nothing clear that was proof he would turn, or when, it was only a future that inspired hope. It validated the feelings that she had been developing for him, convincing her that if she went to him, he would turn. For her. It convinced her there was a future where they could be together. It had not turned out the way she had hoped.

The memory continued in her mind. The vision faded as Luke entered, shouting. Her fight with Luke in the rain played out in front of them. She wondered why he cared to witness it. Kylo knew she left Luke behind on Ahch-To. He fixated on their fight, of course, but also the moment she said, then he's our last hope. His hand was shaking uncontrollably against her, his response to the mere sight of Luke still visceral, but he did not sever the connection until it was over.

Rey opened her eyes, but his were still shut. Tear streaks stained his cheeks. He was quiet for a long time, minutes ticking by like hours, but she stayed silent. She feared she brought him more pain. The shields around his emotions were high, but she could still sense the hurricane of emotions raging behind them.

"Ben, say something," she whispered. He finally raised his eyes to meet hers.

"You..." he said finally, "You defended me, you fought him. For me. Why?"

She shook her head, brows pinched in confusion. Why did he care about Luke? She was angry after Luke had interrupted them. She was angry after she discovered what he had done to his own nephew. He wouldn't help her save the people who needed him. Of course, she fought him. After everything that happened following her confrontation with Luke, she hadn't considered its relevance to him. "Luke didn't believe in you like I did," she said. "Like I still do. If I had been at that temple, I would have believed you, I would have defended you."

His jaw hardened, and he shook his head. His emotions spiked again over the bond. She knew it was a sensitive subject, so she refocused his attention back to the other memories he witnessed. "What about the vision? And your mother?"

The moment she mentioned his mother, something flashed in his eyes. "Don't," he warned, his voice cracking with emotion. "Not now, I can't..."

She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing deeply to center herself. He had been more open with her than ever before, and she had hoped it was her chance to finally get through to him. She swallowed her disappointment, feeling his barriers slowly close off his side of the bond.

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