P A R T - T H I R T Y

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The Epilogue:

Magnus stormed into his room, slamming the door shut and glancing around as if he was searching for his patience as it ran away and hid from him. His heart raced and ached painfully, seeming to fuel the aggressive behaviour as he stared into space for a moment before losing his temper. He grabbed the closet thing to him, throwing it across the room before grabbing the next thing, then a painting on the wall and tugging it down to break it. He snatched the sheets from his bed and threw them behind him, flipping the mattress before throwing the bedside lamp against the wall and heard it smash.

He moved over to his desk next as his mind moved at hyper speed, ranting over and over again about how his parents picked his girlfriend over him, how she had chosen them over him, how she had kept such a giant secret from him and had broken his trust. He was furious, and it showed as he snatched his laptop from his desk and threw it against the wall, flipping over the desk next before picking up the mug Alice had given him during spring break and throwing it at the wall too. "FUCK!" he shouted, seeming to lash out as a strange painful sensation ripped through his chest.

He stopped, breathing heavily as he stared at the broken mug, the crashing sound seeming to have broken through the blind rage. "Shit." he breathed, seeing all the little broken pieces and knowing even if he sat there for hours it wouldn't look right if he tried to fix it. "Fucking- shit." he spat, snapping his palms to his face as he felt a burning in his eyes. He knew what the sensation was, and tried to push it down or shove it away from him but it clutched at his throat tightly, digging its nails into his eyes so they stung so intently that he did nothing but stand very still for a few moments.

A minute or so had passed when Magnus decided to move towards his closet. He grabbed a suitcase and began shoving things inside it from the colour coordinated rails, his heart still pulsing angrily inside his chest before he went into his bathroom and snatched up his essentials. He booked an Uber in the midst of the chaos, then was on the phone to the airline company to change his flight to the next one. "I really don't care about the price, can you do it or not?" He snapped down the phone, zipping his bags shut before he walked back out into his bedroom and stared at the mess he'd made for a few seconds.

He heard a faint commotion and walked over to the window after hanging up, hearing the airline representative say that the earliest flight they could get him on to England would be in the morning, which he agreed to.. Magnus stared outside, seeing Julia excitedly clapping then hugging Alice suddenly as his father stood to one side, waiting to shake Alice's hand although his expression was neutral. His chest seemed to ache even more, and his expression contorted angrily before he tore himself away and refused to look or be here any longer.

He made it downstairs without bumping into anyone, brushing past his dogs who gathered around him curiously as he snatched open the front door and stood outside, waiting for the Uber to arrive... which it did, about five minutes later.

Magnus left without another word to Alice or his parents... and had no intention of speaking with them any time soon as the Uber drove away from the property and the reflection of it in the mirror got smaller and smaller... he felt nothing, and didn't even bother to look around to watch it vanish out of sight as the Uber turned round a bend...


... After Alice had calmed down, having spoken with Julia and Hans about her position, essentially telling her she'd be the poster girl for the company, appearing in commercials and in campaign shoots so that people would associate her with the brand from the very beginning. It wasn't much, but it excited her that she would be getting paid for it although the price had been discussed and agreed on with her father but she was assured she'd be very happy with it.

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