P A R T - S I X

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Chapter Six; Shine a little light.

Alice seemed to stare down a tunnel of darkness, feeling her world closing in on her as the eerie sensation of power seemed to buzz through her veins... she wasn't sure how long she had been staring where Olive had just been before she pushed her, but the presence of someone beside her suddenly pulled her out of her weird daze. "Did you hear what I just said?" Magnus asked, watching the profile of Alice's face before she looked up at him, blinking quickly and returning back to the present.

"No," She replied honestly, watching as Trey moved past them and walked down the stairs to see what had happened. "Sorry, I- uhm," She murmured, reaching up to tuck some hair behind her ear. "I just spaced out."

"That's fine, and I said; What would you like to do now," Magnus asked, still watching her face intently with a intense unfaltering stare.

"Is she... I mean, she just fell down the stairs." Alice murmured, attempting to rationalise why she felt nothing but pride in herself for behaving like she did.

"Mm," Magnus hummed, seeing her thoughts and feelings, or rather lack of them, plastered across her face. He wanted to smile, but kept his face blank, "You need to hide that more," He murmured quietly, and almost instantly Alice knew what he was referring to. She fixed her face, furrowing her eyebrows slightly, tilting the edge of her lips slightly down and managed to force her eyes to water... just a little. "Better," Magnus nodded, glancing across her expression and analysing it... Alice inhaled deeply, wondering if she should worry about herself but was unable to progress with those thoughts since Charlie appeared at the top of the stairs. "Well?" Magnus asked.

"So she's not dead," Charlie chuckled, "But she's out cold, like... stone cold. Must of smacked her head pretty hard."

"Did anyone see?" Magnus asked as Alice stood quietly, folding her arms across her chest and letting her expression relax... she felt strange, like she was watching this from someone else's point of view and not her own. She didn't feel connected to the situation, and continued to feel nothing as she watched silently.

"No," Charlie smirked, "It was good timing, no one's around." He added, looking at Alice directly. She didn't respond verbally, and instead looked to Magnus for his response.

"Well, as I said, what would you like to do?" Magnus asked, looking back into Alice's eyes and folding his arms too. "She knows a lot more than she should, and you never know what might happen when she wakes up."

"True." Alice mumbled, "Is, um... is this a decision whether or not we..."

"It is." Magnus replied simply.

"Oh," Alice sighed, feeling the silent weight of pressure as she began to weight up the pros and cons of releasing Magnus and Charlie to finish the job off. "Uh," she hesitated, glancing at both of the boys as they waited for her response. She wondered if they expected it to be easy for her to make this decision, considering Olive had been her friend for almost three years... but seeing as she now knew Magnus's secret and had also threatened to expose them, the pros of getting rid of her seemed to outweigh the cons. However, a part of Alice knew better. This was too easy, and she didn't want to let Magnus get careless just because he could. "Charlie, can you get Noah for me please?" Alice asked, and Charlie raised his eyebrows, briefly glancing at Magnus to see if he should.

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