P A R T - F I F T E E N

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Chapter Fifteen: Expression.
Friday, 12th April

Birds chirped as the sun shone down over Summerland, the lake water sparkled as the wind gently rustled through the trees and rippled the water... Over towards the more rural side of town where flowers were beginning to bloom and the grass was turning greener, Alice woke and sighed quietly, turning over and feeling her nose brush against a warm, smooth surface...

The subtle scent of Magnus's skin sent a warm tingle through her body, and she smiled a little, but kept her eyes closed...

The two were lying close together, almost touching, but still apart. Even whilst asleep you could see the chemistry jumping between them, buzzing like a live wire of electricity sending pleasant signals through the air, moving from one to the other and back... It was quiet for a few more minutes until Alice opened her eyes suddenly, and turned over to look at the time with a surprised expression. "Shit," she hissed quickly, sitting up and scrambling out of bed and hurrying to the bathroom.

Magnus opened his eyes carefully at the commotion, hearing the shower water running before he glanced over to the clock... seeing it just passing ten in the morning. He felt no sense of urgency as he got out of Alice's bed, running his hand through his hair before he walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Did you turn my alarm off?" Alice asked in a huff as she stepped out the shower, her hair wet and hanging in a wavy, long mass either side of her face. She grabbed a towel to wrap around herself as she moved over to the sink to quickly brush her teeth.

"No?" Magnus replied, even though he had. He had two free periods that morning, and didn't need to be in school until late... he wanted Alice to be there when he woke up, so he turned off her alarm and didn't think much of it. He watched her intently as she finished brushing her teeth and hurried out of the bathroom in a whirlwind of blonde hair and fluffy white towels.

She'd been avoiding him for most of the previous day, brief conversations before she'd hurry away or not answer his text fast enough. He'd been watching her body language intently since he'd surprised her with his arrival the night before, wondering why she seemed almost reluctant to spend time with him. She seemed pleased to see him, but wary, maybe a little nervous or anxious in his presence, he wasn't entirely sure. "Alice," He murmured, deciding to bring up the topic as he watched her do her make up whilst he pulled on his jeans, having no intention of actually attending school until the afternoon for practice before the game.

"What?" She asked in huff, making a face as she applied her mascara.

"Why did you avoid me yesterday?" He asked, sitting on the edge of her bed and finding it fascinating how quickly and expertly she applied her face.

"Avoid you? I didn't avoid you, I was busy with cheer practice." She replied quickly, closing her eyes as she sprayed her face with setting spray. Magnus stared at her in silence, and she glanced at him in the reflection of her mirror before she stood up and walked over to her wardrobe, thanking herself silently that she'd laid out her outfit the night before... which is when she had been avoiding joining him on the bed since she knew what he'd probably want to initiate.

His silence began to chip away at the barrier she'd placed in her mind, since she'd wanted to stop herself from picking another fight when they'd only just 'made up'. "Fine, I was avoiding you because I was pissed that you dumped and picked me back up again without even talking actually talking to me about it. You just walked in here and made and remade the decisions as if yours is the only one that matters." Alice confessed as she grabbed her hair brush, now fully dressed, and began to drag it through her wet hair.

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