P A R T - S E V E N

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Chapter Seven: Distance Makes the Heart...
Monday 18th March, 2019

Alice exhaled, staring at the white wall of the waiting room, the soft airy music playing almost fading into the background. "Alice Murphy?" A woman called, dressed in a white blouse and a beige skirt.

"Yep," Alice replied, standing up and smoothing her palm over her hair.

"First door on your left," the woman smiled, motioning for Alice to walk past her and down the long, pale hallway behind. Alice smiled, thanking her quietly and walked ahead until she got to the correct door and knocked.

"Come in," a voice called, allowing Alice to open the door a few moments later. "Take a seat Miss Murphy," the female doctor said kindly, typing away at her computer whilst Alice glanced around the room, seeing some of the posters about health care and healthy eating on the walls. She sat down quietly, her movements barely inaudible as she waited for her doctor to be done. "So," the doctor finally smiled, turning to look at the long haired teenager who looked very calm and focussed. "What can I do for you?"

"I want to get on the pill," Alice replied in a calm voice, looking into the eyes of her doctor and holding eye contact.

"Okay," the doctor said lightly and turned to her computer, typing in Alice's name on the system and checking her records. "Have you been on the pill before?"

"No," Alice replied simply, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Okay, and are you going to be using it for contraception?" The doctor asked, glancing over at her as her fingers hovered above the keyboard. Alice nodded, licking her lips and trying to ignore the urge to find embarrassment in admitting to her sexual activity. "And are you aware of your other options for contraception too? Like the implant, the coil etcetera?"

"Yeah, I did my research." Alice lied, since she knew she didn't want something as invasive as the implant or coil.

"Alright. Well I'll just take your blood pressure, do a quick physical exam, then I'll write your prescription, okay?" the doctor smiled and Alice nodded, now rolling up her right hand sleeve to expose her arm...

No more than seven minutes later Alice left the doctors office with her prescription tucked away into her purse, she met her mother outside in the parking lot where the mid morning weather was still continuing its bright but chilly spell.

"Did you get everything you need?" Sophie asked after Alice shut the door to her mother's blue beetle.

"Yeah, we just need to pick up some things from town then I'll be done." Alice replied, glancing down at the list she'd written of things she needed to get in time for her flight to Quebec that afternoon. The radio played quietly, and Alice glanced down at her phone, replying to a message she'd received from Magnus telling her him and his parents had just landed in France. She smiled to herself, replying to ask about how the flight was, and informed him that she'd be flying from Vancouver that afternoon too for a six hour flight to Quebec City.

"Is That Magnus?" Sophie asked, having attempted to stop herself from asking but she after seeing the smile on Alice's face, she couldn't help herself. It baffled her how someone so unpleasant to her, could make her daughter so happy.

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