P A R T - T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Cold Rage

Julia heard the sudden shot and paused down the hall, freezing for a moment before turning back around. "Julia, wait-" Hans began, but she was walking quickly towards the door, pushing it open to see Peter tucking a gun back into the belt of his suit pants.

She looked at the blood splattered across Sophie's face, who was sitting in a tense silence, just staring into space as if someone had pressed pause on her whole being and the lack of the third party in the room. "Peter," Julia breathed in shock, gaining his attention. "You just said you wanted to talk to him," she stressed, walking further into the room and around the table to see Richard crumbled in a heap... with blood pouring from his head. "These are slate floors!" She gasped,

"I apologise." Peter replied calmly, "I lost control."

"Oh, cut the crap," Julia sighed in irritation, "You brought that weapon with you on purpose, oh my god." She whines angrily, folding her arms. "We need to get the cleaners in here, I can't let this stain."

"I'll call them now." Hans said decisively, pulling his phone from his pocket and holding it up to his ear as he left the room.

"Peter, for gods sake." Julia carried on, "At least tell me why," she added, still stood with her arms folded as if she was exasperated by a minor inconvenience. Peter didn't reply, and instead apologised again for his behaviour. Julia was about to respond, but Sophie murmured something under her breath, gaining both their attentions as she slipped out of her daze and began to process what had just happened. "I'm sorry?" Julia asked, having not really heard.

"You're all murderers." Sophie whispered, still staring vacantly. "... You killed him." She whispered, slowly looking towards Peter. "You killed him!" She shouted, her voice shrill and strained as reality suddenly caught up to her. "Murderer!" She screamed, "You're a murderer!" She screamed and sobbed, catching Julia by surprise as Sophie pointed and screamed at Peter.

"Contrary to popular belief I am not a violent person," Peter replied, raising his voice a little as Sophie screamed profanities at him and Julia stared in surprise. "I did what I had to do." He added, unfazed by the screaming and crying emanating from Sophie's mouth.

"Sophie-" Julia tried to say, leaning forward to pull her back from leaning across the table and get her to calm down but she was violently shrugged off. "Sophie, please calm down-"

"Get off of me! You're all fucking murderers! Get off me!" She screamed, scrambling up and pushing herself away from them and stumbling into a corner, only to crumple down into a heap and burst into hysterical tears. Julia stared at her, watching her cry and felt unable to empathise... she glanced at Peter who sighed and adjusted the way he was standing. The sound of Sophie's cries filled the room and for a few seconds they rang off the walls like a piercing alarm that could wake the dead if they wanted to. Julia felt her temper snap and she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"For the love of god, shut up!" She snapped loudly, causing Sophie to gasp quickly as the shock from Julia's statement rang into her ears. "What is wrong with you?" She asked Sophie angrily, who was staring up at her with tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes. She was unable to respond, seeming to be so shocked by Julia's words she couldn't think. "You're crying for him? When only a few weeks ago you wanted to leave him for another man, are you serious?" Julia snapped, dropping the glistening veil that was her usual personality and showing her true face. "Give is a break with the crocodile tears, please. Darling."

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