P A R T - S I X T E E N

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Chapter Sixteen: Away
April, 12th 7:34pm, St Lucia, West Indies

"Stop," Alice giggled softly, turning her head towards Magnus as he kissed her neck. "Your parents are gonna see," she murmured, feeling her eyes wanting to close as her body warmed even more from his touch. They had arrived in St Lucia a couple of hours before, having touched down in the small airport only to be greeted by two large black SUV's to take them to the hillside resort they were staying in. The heat was thick and humid, but it had cooled once the sun had set.

Alice felt like she was in a dream, a golden hazy, warm dream filled with champagne and luxury. She'd never experienced anything like it, and in the short time she'd been around the Johnson family and all of their riches, she'd been blown away more than once by how beautiful they made life look when you had an almost unlimited bank account balance. They'd taken over a large stone white villa on the hillside, with its own large private pool and a breathtaking view that looked out over the ocean.

The two were currently on the balcony of the room they'd chosen to share at the top of the villa, with its large king size bed with soft white sheets and four posts two hold up the mosquito net. "They won't see," Magnus murmured, having cornered Alice only moments ago when she'd borrowed his phone to take pictures of the view to text to herself.

He smoothed his hands over her hips, feeling the material of the cream, long slip dress she'd changed into for dinner plans with his parents. She smelt sweet like the perfume he'd grown to associate with her and he breathed in deeply before gently kissing her neck again. He'd been wanting to kiss her again since the football game, but between then and now she'd been occupied with socialising with his parents and being annoyed with him.

Alice inhaled deeply, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried to fight the pleasurable tingling moving from where Magnus's lips touched her neck all throughout her body. He had her gently pinned against the wall of the balcony, and two floors downs his parents were sat out by the pool to look out over the view as they had their pre-dinner drinks.

Magnus pulled back from Alice's neck, his subtly affectionate gaze moving over her face before he leant in to kiss her... They were stood close together, their bodies touching as Magnus's palms caressed up from Alice's hips to her waist and her own palms held his neck. Their lips moved together carefully, her bottom lip tenderly placed between his as they kissed. Warmth spread through both their bodies, and it only took seconds before they took over... causing Magnus to grasp at Alice's body to pull her closer and her own arms to wrap around his neck. A pleasurable sensation of urgency took over, and the intensity of their kiss doubled as Alice released a soft moan at the feeling. Magnus groaned in response, pushing his body into her and slid his hands down her body to grasp at her upper thigh and lift it against his hip.

Their heads tilted in opposite directions as Alice grasped at his hair, excitement taking over her as a warm breeze moved over them, the sound of the ocean and crickets chirping fading into simple background noise as her senses turned their attention to Magnus. She moaned again, feeling her heart thudding inside her chest as their lips moved together in such a synchronised way that it was obvious they'd had enough practice...

But Alice knew that if she didn't stop their encounter she'd end up pinned underneath him and miss the dinner with his parents that she was genuinely looking forward to. She pulled her head back a little, and lowered her hands to his chest, the signal enough to cause Magnus to pull back to look at her. "What?" He asked, seeing her pink cheeks and her slightly wet lips.

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