P A R T - T W O

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Chapter Two; Confessions.
Sunday, 3rd March, 5:56am

Alice woke up, hearing the sound of the wind rushing over her house as light rain pattered against the roof. She stirred for a moment before opening her eyes, seeing it still partially dark outside through the curtains, even though her dim fairy lights continued to pulse gently above her head. Her clock flashed the time at her in red digital numbers from her nightstand, and she hummed quietly as she closed her eyes again and shuffled where she lay to her comfortable again...

It was only then that she registered the weight across her waist, and glanced over her shoulder to see Magnus sleeping just behind her... she watched his face for a few seconds, letting the fairy lights momentarily drop them into darkness before carefully lighting up the room again... he looked so normal when he slept, with his lips slightly pouted and his eyebrows slightly furrowed. A warmth formed in her chest, and she felt her heart pulsing heavily as it seeped affectionate feelings into her bloodstream with every contraction.

She couldn't get over how handsome he was, and that he was here with her, sleeping in her bed. She smiled and looked away, knowing that if she gazed at him for much longer he'd probably sense it and wake up.

She carefully snuggled back into him, feeling the warmth of his body against her back comforted her. He hummed quietly, adjusting the position of his arm and tucked his hand under her t-shirt so his palm rested against her skin.

Alice smiled happily again but sleepily as she closed her eyes again, deciding to go back to sleep until inevitably Magnus would wake her up as he left to say goodbye a few hours later, if not less...

She drifted off quickly, falling into the darkness of unconsciousness as her body relaxed and her mind took over. Minutes seemed to tick past slowly, the ticking of the clocks filling the silence in the house, echoing around those who slept, as dreams invaded their minds, entertaining the unconscious with their subconscious thoughts.

Magnus twitched in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowing even more as his eyes moved rapidly behind his eyelids... in his mind he was running behind someone though thick bodies of trees in the forest as mist clung to the earth like a blanket...

"Alice!" He called, seeing the figure up ahead of him in a long pink dress, her soft giggles echoing towards him as she ran ahead, nimbly jumping over fallen logs as she held up her dress, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as the air passed through it. "Alice!" He called again, growing annoyed and frustrated that she was moving so quickly.

He stopped, exhaling heavily and running a hand through his hair as he saw her vanish into the distance. "Fuck." He mumbled to himself, trying to figure out another way to catch her. He wasn't entirely sure, consciously, what game they were playing... but he was participating nonetheless, for her entertainment he assumed.

A branch cracked beside him and he turned around just as a blur of blonde hair jumped at him, causing Magnus to lose his balance at the unexpected arrival of Alice. They fell back, landing on a soft bed of leaves as Magnus's gaze focussed on her face as she laughed. "You're so bad at this game." She giggled softly, "Do you want me to show you how to play properly?" She asked as he stared into her ocean blue eyes as she lay on top of him, her hands pressed gently against his chest.

He glanced over her happy expression, feeling the warmth and comfort of a familiar face that he enjoyed looking at. He nodded, willingly giving up being the leader to be the led, just for her. "Okay," Alice giggled softly, getting off him and standing up as he stood up also.

Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now