P A R T - T W E N T Y - T W O

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Arrival of Things

Alice yawned and stretched, extending her legs out in front of her in the waiting room of Summerland's local hospital. It was nearing midnight, and so far they had heard no news of her mother's progress for the last hour or so. It was raining outside, and for a while Alice watched the weather from the window until Magnus drew her attention by speaking. "I thought after the waters broke the thing was meant to pop out." He muttered from where he was sitting down next to Alice, evidently tired and grumpy. He was slouched in his seat and had his arms folded, legs outstretched too.

"I think it's different for different women." Alice replied softly, turning around in her seat to face the front then trying to lean her elbow on the arm rest and cradle her head in her palm so she could doze off, but the position was too uncomfortable. The hospital waiting room on the maternity floor smelt like disinfectant and old coffee, and it was quiet apart from the soft murmuring of a few other families talking amongst themselves. The pair watched as a father hurried into view from around the corner dressed in scrubs, obviously overjoyed and enthusiastic,

"It's a boy!" He gasped loudly, approaching a small gathering of people in a rush that seemed to swarm him as he got closer, and Alice and Magnus watched quietly as coo's and congratulatory cheers and applause filled room.

"It's a boy!"Magnus mimicked quietly and chuckled to himself as Alice thumped his chest softly.

"Why don't you go find something to eat?" Alice suggested, not wanting to suggest that he could go home since she wanted him to stay with her. She enjoyed his company a lot, and gave in to her greediness with no shame.

"Alright." Magnus agreed with a sigh, aware that his stomach felt empty now that a few hours since their date had passed. "Do you want anything?"

"Just a snack, please." She replied with a smile, and Magnus stood up and dusted off his hands before walking off. Alice watched a female nurse eye him in subtle shock and awe as he passed, and she smiled to herself, feeling pleased and a little giddy as she remembered the sound of his voice as he'd told her he loved her just earlier that afternoon. She could still feel his lips brushing against hers as he spoke, and felt her cheeks warm intently.

She patted her cheek softly as if to calm her blush, before deciding to stand up and stretch her legs. She wandered a few steps away from her chair with her arms folded and let her mind wander further away from her... a few minutes passed before she checked the clock again, noticing the time slip passed whilst bearing no news. Was her mother okay? Was something wrong? She didn't know, and all she could do was wait since there seemed to be no one around she could ask. It was only as she stood in the hall by the open waiting room, that was more like just a space with some chairs and a water machine, that she noticed a man walk up to the reception out the corner of her eye. She looked over, seeing Richard about to be shown the way to where he would probably be able to find Sophie. "Dad?" She asked, causing him to look over. He looked worried and full of regret, and Alice felt guilt wash over her a little as she walked towards him carefully.

He asked the nurse to wait just a moment and turned towards Alice again, closing the distance between them and sighing quietly. "I know you probably don't want me here-"

"It's not about me." Alice replied, as she noticed Magnus round the corner behind Richard, with snacks in his hands, and stop. They made eye contact for a second before she subtly shook her head, since he had made a face as if he was ready for a confrontation. Richard saw and looked over his shoulder, noticing Magnus and visibly tensed before looking back to Alice.

Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now