P A R T - T W E N T Y - S I X

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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Scarlett Secret
Part Two

"Please, please I- I didn't- I wasn't thinking!" Seth whimpered as he backed himself into the lockers with Magnus and Charlie stood in front of him... cornering him. Both their faces were unamused, blank, bordering on furious and yet still somehow expressionless... "I wasn't thinking!" Seth repeated, sweating nervousness like his life depended on it. His hood had fallen, now revealing his unwashed hair with some strands sticking to his forehead.

"You just tried to shoot me half way through my last game," Magnus spat, stepping forward so Seth pushed his back into the lockers. "I know you weren't fucking thinking." He spat in a sharp, low voice, grabbing his jaw and shoving his head back into the locker door and holding it there. "This is the third time you've confronted me about your stupid fucking friends. I didn't even care about them, so imagine the shit I'm gonna do to someone who really fucks me off." Magnus hissed aggressively, holding his face close to Seth's so he could hear every word.

Suddenly he lifted the gun and held it to Seth's temple, who seemed to release a loud whimper and squeeze his eyes shut as the tears poured out from the cracks. He was shaking like a leaf caught in hurricane winds, and flinched as Magnus flicked the safety off the gun, making it click eerily. "Please," Seth cried, spit coming from his mouth as he tried to fight the sobs but couldn't. "P-Please, I'm- I'm so-sorry," he sobbed, his words almost slurred with the intensity of his despair.

"I don't give a fuck." Magnus spat in an strangely dark whisper, before pushing the gun into Seth's temple.

"Please don't hurt me, please, please," Seth begged, almost resorting to type and returning to basic humanity in which fear of death completely took over the body. Magnus wasn't sure what to call the sound people made when they were truly, purely, terrified for their lives, but everyone seemed to make it when their reality became clear... Seth released the noise over and over again, annoying Magnus who was about to act out because of it, but... at the same time both Charlie and Magnus smelt it, and Charlie groaned and stepped back, placing his finger under his nose.

"Did you just piss yourself?" Magnus asked, leaning away and letting Seth drop to the floor since his legs gave way. "Christ do you fucking drink any water?" He spat, holding his nose as Seth seemed to slump into a heap...

"I think he passed out." Charlie muttered, still holding his nose as Seth suddenly turned limp and went quiet. "Dude I don't think he just pissed himself, that's fucking vile."

"You know what," Magnus muttered, holding his hand in front of his nose. "He's not even fucking worth it. It would be like killing a mutt." He scoffed, turning away and throwing the gun into his locker and chucking a garment of clothing over the top before closing it.

"Jesus Christ." Charlie muttered, still shocked by the smell before laughing in disbelief. He nudged Seth with his foot, shaking his head when he didn't respond. "Out fucking cold." He murmured, noticing that Magnus had already walked off and begun eating his nutrition bar... but something still felt off. It felt too quick, too careless, so Charlie turned back to Seth, and searched his pockets... getting the feeling something was waiting to be found. He found his phone tucked into his jeans, and lifted it out... noticing now that Seth had been recording their entire confrontation with an audio app.

Charlie released a short breath through his nose and shook his head, stopping the recording and deleting it before resetting his whole phone so that it would delete everything else too. He was angry as he put Seth's phone back in his pocket, thinking about what could've happened if Charlie hadn't checked his pockets.

Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें