P A R T - T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Party Starter
June 7th, 10:45pm

Loud music blasted from the pulsing speakers that had been placed around the basement of Charlie's place. He lived in a detached house on the end of a cul-de-sac, next to a small park that was nicely lit, well up kept and there was enough space between the houses so his neighbours, probably, wouldn't be disturbed by the loud electronic music and gathering of drunk teenagers. The basement, that had an adjoining room that was Charlie's bedroom, opened up onto his back yard, and he'd opened up his back gate so that guests wouldn't have to walk through his house to get to the party.

Alice was currently sat on the couch next to the open double doors, sat next to Fei and a few of their friends who had taken it upon themselves to start a drinking game using cards. She half paid attention, just drinking when she wanted to as she eyed the boys across the room, all gathered together with their drinks and cigarettes in hand... and although her gaze every now and then focused on Magnus putting a questionable roll up to his lips, it was mainly on Candice... who had decided to attach herself to Charlie for the evening and fairly smugly stood close to him although they didn't touch.

Alice was surprised at her confidence, considering her brother was somewhere around here and would probably have something to say, and she had made it so clear she wanted nothing to do with the group before, but for some reason was having a change of heart. Alice assumed it was jealousy, since that single emotion could drive someone to think, do or say stupid things without seeing the logical sense in it. She sighed, knowing a few examples she could bring up of things she'd done and pursed her lips before taking another long sip of her drink.

"Alice it's your go," Fei called over the thumping music. The DJ was some college guy who was a friend of Charlie's dealer, and seemed to have ignored Alice's playlist entirely. She was annoyed, and it showed on her face as she sat with one leg folded over the other and a straight face as she held her drink with one hand. After a few seconds of registering Fei's voice Alice dealt her cards, losing the round she assumed from the round of laughs and orders for her to drink. She threw back the rest of her drink before standing up, crushing the red cup in her hand before letting it fall from her hand carelessly.

Fei watched her walk off, deciding to get up to follow to see what was happening as Alice left the room and climbed the spiral stairs to the first floor where there was a bathroom. She caught up with her quickly, managing to catch the bathroom door before she closed it, and slipped inside, and closed it behind her. They'd dressed down from the 80s party, and ditched a lot of their costume jewellery and neon colours in unknown places around the house and now had outfits that looked fairly up to date and neutral. "Hey.... so, what's up?" Fei asked, trying to steady herself but she still was fairly drunk.

"Nothing," Alice replied, hitching up her dress and sitting down on the toilet to pee.

"You have a face like someone just slapped you," Fei replied, causing Alice to look up at her without moving her head. "What?" She hiccuped then apologised quietly.

"Have got really not noticed?" Alice asked, finishing up then pulling up her underwear.

"Noticed what?" Fei asked as Alice fixed her outfit then washed her hands. The music from downstairs was muffled but they could feel the bass through the floor.

"Candice and Charlie." Alice replied in a low voice as she dried her hands and fixed the towel so it was neat again. "She's been all over him tonight." She added, looking Fei in the eye and waiting for a response. Fei parted her lips and hesitated, unsure of what to say since she had noticed, and it had hurt her feelings, but she didn't know what she could do.

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