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Sebastian POV,

One week, only a week has left for second semester to start and to decide whether to teach them about Vampire and Witches at advance level and start my way with werewolves and shape lifters or put it into next year course. They are freshman and it falls to my responsibility that their sufficient interest in my subject doesn’t fall to any species expense other than human living in Mystery Spell, as this town is somehow packed with super natural creatures.
As my thoughts wandered towards Super natural creature, the name Bartholys crossed my mind, and the tantrum they threw when they first get to know about the subject, a smirk crossed my face as I remember their shocked faces when they had gotten to know that I am a Shape lifter and they cannot hypnotize me, I shook my head thinking about their proud towards Mystery Spell, as they think they can do everything as they like. All this attitude is because of Victor; because he holds Mystery Spell. I rolled my eyes completely ignoring my work, as my thoughts take directions towards Victor, how much of an Evil he is. Good thing for me I never crossed his way and neither I want to, when his own sons can’t stand him then I can imagine much worse for others,


To a great extent, I want to save her from him somehow, the first time I saw her, I was taken aback by similarity she had with Rose, her eyes, her features, her smile… I couldn’t help but think back to Rose, I spent all day thinking if that was possible…

I dismissed the thought at once, how can a Black Witch escape from her clan? But then I saw the mark on Hope’s heel and I immediately get it that she is not anyone but Rose’s daughter, when she gets to know about the evil in her power her reaction answered all questions, she also wanted the same thing as her mother…

I knew that Rose was pregnant when we departed but I never get to know more from her, the last thing I heard about her was a rumor that the Black witch and the Wizard who ran away with each other died with the rest of the clan of Black Witches when other species attacked them. It’s a shame that two innocents soul lost their life due to the monstrous behavior of a clan they never wanted to be part of.

Though years had passed since that disaster happened, but I couldn’t forget the impression Rose left on me, how firmed she was and how confident she was to fight with her destiny, to exterminate her own kind to save others from violence, I’ve lost counts how many times she saved my life with her powers… She have done a lot for me that I feel oblige to save her daughter; I cannot get this urge of protecting her out of me. She has no idea how much danger is prevailing on her life, if Victor gets to know about her power he will surely target her, apart from the fact that her own powers is her enemy until she learns how to control them which is not possible under the teaching of a vampire who never even knew that Black Witches existed. There is a lot she needs to know, being a Black Witch means living your life with certain precautions, but I cannot tell her anything at once that could blow her mind.
I stood up from my place and went into the kitchen to make some Coffee for myself, knowing that now I cannot think back to my work… from the kitchen’s window my gaze fell to the moon and I instantly realize that thinking about Hope I totally forgot tomorrow is full moon,

(Another nightmare to live with.)

I thought to myself in such a voice that my soul could hear it, this will continue until I get that mirror and get free from that curse… Now I get it why I’m having all these feelings all of a sudden again, it’s the full moon, I can’t stop myself from thinking about Hope and about the past for past few days…

Only if Rose hadn’t been caught off, together we would’ve found the mirror till now and even get rid of our enforced powers, a feeling of guilt crept into me, I and Lizabeth, who is my sister and trapped in a body of an owl, we both couldn’t do anything and those evil Witches took both of them away as prisoners, Rose was the dearest friend of mine she had saved my life more than once and I couldn’t do anything… It was for a long time that I mourn her but this was the reality, no one can fight a black Witch especially when they are united, and just in a short time they all died… I couldn’t overcome the loss of her but to an extent she got what she wanted… extermination of those evil creatures.

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