Drogo Chapter 33 (Ivan And Drogo)

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Ivan is driving the car for like 15 minutes being honest I am enjoying the slightly cold breeze touching my face, and closed my eyes.. This is what I love the most.. this calm and peace.. For few moments I forgot about everyone... the things I have just learnt has messed up my mind I have no idea what I am going to do now.. I love people around me.. Sarah and Ivan.. this atmosphere.. University.. It's not just about Bartholys.. I want everyone in my life.. The more I think about it the more I feel depressed so I leave these things and enjoyed the breeze suddenly Ivan stopped the car.

Ivan: "Come."

He opened my side of door and showed me the surroundings...

There's no one.. It's like a long area filled with greeny and flowers with just one tree at it's middle having a Tyre tied to the trunk through a rope making it a swing..

I smiled.

Me: "Woah.. Thats a peaceful place.. Why no one is there?"

Ivan: "Since Mystery Spell is a small town there are very few places unknown to others.. And I take full advantage of mine one."

He winked at me.

Ivan: "Well I found it two years ago when I first came here.. There was this tree and I made this swing.."

Me: "Hmm."

I watched the swing, putting my hand on the rope bounded with the tyre. And sat on the swing moving my foot so it will start swinging but on a slow motion.

Me: "For how long have you been here?"

Ivan: "I just told you two years... Well Almost two."

I nodded my head.. We remained quiet for a few minutes enjoying the breeze that touches our face.

Me: "I'm sorry I yelled at you... I guess I'm just getting crazy."

I couldn't see his face but knowing him I was sured that he must be smiling.

Ivan: "I like you being crazy.. At least you tell the problem then."

Me: "I know.. I have this stupid crazy habit of hiding the main problem.. Even I don't know why I do it. But you can ask me I'll try to be honest."

I turned my face to wink at him.

Ivan: "So what happened with Chris then?"

I turned to face him.

Me: "That's a close topic now.. He told me maybe about a day ago that he's leaving.. But I didn't see off him so I can't tell exactly.."

Ivan: "These last days.. They were really something."

I raised both my eyebrows letting a sigh.

(And what about the next one?)

Me: "What I think is things get worse when you can't tell others the main thing."

Ivan nodded without saying anything.

Me: "But I didn't want to create a scene.. I thought he'll get on the topic I'll refuse him.."

I chuckled at my thought followed by Ivan.

Ivan: "Well at the end it's all settled."

Me: "Ivan?"

Ivan: "Huh?"

Me: "Do you also hate Bartholys because they are Victors son?"

Ivan replied my question with a sneered.

Ivan: "Do you think I do?"

Me: "It doesn't seem so but you aren't friends with them either."

Ivan: "Well because I don't share their interest or they don't mine.. And it has nothing to do with Victor."

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