DROGO Chapter 16 (A Long Day)

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I opened my eyes slowly placing my hand on my mouth yawning, the first thing I see is the rays of sunlight on my blanket.

(How great I am feeling today. What's different.)

I observed the sun rays and suddenly I realized.


I looked at the watch,

(Phew that's just 30 minutes.)

I washed my face; brushed my hair and made sweet ponytail of it get in my uniform and then run for Lorie. Fortunately she was in her bathroom so I tidy up her room and she came back.

Lorie: "You are late today."

Me: "I know."

I said in a robotic way and made cute ponytails of her hair. I entered the dining room with Lorie, everyone was there. Peter was looking annoyed at Drogo and Nicolae was sighing shaking his head.


Lorie however enthusiastically jumped on Nicolae and he started stroking her head.

Sometimes I don't know how can he love her so much I mean she's not even her real.

(Are you mad or what! Don't think like that)

I gracefully sat beside Peter ignoring a moron here. I picked two cupcakes and a glass of milkshake. I could feel Drogo's gaze on me.

Me: "Aren't you going to University today."

I asked Peter.

Peter: "I don't have any important class. Besides, I'm not in mood."

(Of pretending that you are a young boy.)

I nodded

Drogo: "Aren't you getting late for your class. Little Thing."

He said Little Thing in an ironical air.

Me: "Mind your own business."

I said it showing my annoyance as much as possible.

Drogo: "But I don't have one."

Lorie chuckled.

(How much I hate them both.)

I ignored him completely.

(I want to show him attitude, now that's a different thing that he doesn't care.)

Nicolae cleared his throat.

Nicolae: "Drogo."

He gave him a look. I got up from the table saying a good bye to everyone. When I come to University I had already lost 15 minutes of my class but thankfully it wasn't Myth and Legends this time it's English literature and that could be managed. As the Professor wasn't very strict, I easily entered the class and took the lecture peacefully.

After 3 lectures I finally got free time and run for Canteen hoping to find Ivan or Sarah. Then I'll make notes. Fortunately I saw Ivan but he was standing with a small group of girls.


I sighed.

I sat on one of the bench silently, there wasn't many students, I opened my bag and took out my notes. Suddenly someone puts his or her hands on my eyes.

In a very high pitched voice the person said.

Unknown person: "Guess whoo."

I laughed I knew it couldn't be Sarah, she wasn't there. I raised my hands to his or her hands (Apparently his) but with the same high pitched voiced I heard

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