Chapter # 20

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Author p.o.v

A week past after that incident and Jungkook was fully recovered. He was jumping here and there, whining because he can't go to see his mate who was training in the jungle with Namjoon and Jin. 

"This hoe got more bubbly and whiny. I think he got more horny too like Jihyun after drinking his blood", Jimin whispered in Hoseok's ear.

"I can hear you fucker", Jihyun said who was sitting on a couch reading some magazine or more like drooling over male models.

"Kookie do you feel horny?", Hoseok asked Jungkook who pouted but nodded.

"Oh my gawd. He got infected by virus J", Hoseok said in a dramatic way. 

"What is virus J?", Yoongi asked who just came in the livingroom.

"After drinking Jihyun's blood he did recover fast but he is acting like Jihyun too. Hornier than ever so Hoseok means virus Jihyun", Jimin explained his mate.

"Look who the fuck is calling me hornier?", Jihyun huffed then continued. "I just say things while you hoe are doing every shit. I didn't even kissed anybody in ages".

"Not my fault Hun", Jimin winked and Jihyun showed him his middle finger, making Hoseok and Jungkook laugh.

"Well Jihyun I wanted to ask you something?", Hoseok said, fidgeting his fingers. Jihyun arched his brow but then nodded, giving him a approval to go ahead. 

"We saw vampires turning into bats in movies. Can you transform into one too?", He asked with sparkling eyes.

"Movies are shit Boi. Not every vampire can turn into a bat"...before Jihyun could complete his sentence, Jimin jumped in the conversation, "Just say hoe you can't transform and go. Don't exaggerate the conversation", Jimin smirked.

Jihyun glared him and if intense gazing could turn people into dust then Jimin would have turned into that. "Bitch for transforming you need to be a 100+ years old  and of course powerful too and I'm both", he drawled.

And without saying anymore words, he transformed into bat. All the 3 latter eyes turned sparkly like big stars were shining on their orbs. They were acting like some kids who just saw a magic show for the first time.

Jimin: "Woahhh".

Hoseok: "Oh my.. Wow"

Jungkook: "Wow"

All the three was acting like kids while Yoongi said with a so done face, "What's that wow wow shit. Behave like the adults you all are".

  "But Hyung did you see him transform. That's so cool", Jungkook said excitedly.

It was like Jihyun was overjoyed and he just joined the cult of these 3 dorks. He turned into his human form then back into bat and all the 3 was clapping like seal, enjoying the show. Yoongi shook his head and stood up.

"I'm going to check up on Tae, Joonie and Jin Hyung. You do whatever you're doing".

All the 4 turned his way, with puppy eyes since they wanted to see Taehyung train too. Jin and Namjoon didn't let them in because they're still like kids and that's you all can see while Yoongi is more matured and he do observe things with very keen eyes and he always suggest something good.  So yes to Yoongi and No to the grown up toddlers.

Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werewolf) [COMPLETED] ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang