Chapter # 18

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Author p.o.v

Jungkook woke up at 6 in the morning due to dry throat. He shuffled through the sheets, seeing his mate was sleeping soundlessly. He groaned when he try to sit, removing his mate's hands from his waist then he went out from the room towards the kitchen, only in boxers. He was rubbing his eyes, still in deep sleep when he saw Jin in the kitchen, who was drinking some water too.

Jin was standing with his back facing Jungkook, "Jin Hyung were you feeling thirsty too?", Jungkook asked from behind.

Jin turned around mouth full of water and he spit the water out. Luckily Jungkook was away from him so he didn't got drenched. Jin coughed loudly and Jungkook immediately ran behind Jin, patting his back.

"Did I scared you Hyung?", Jungkook asked concerned.

"N-noo you didn't but shouldn't you come out with a shirt on?", Jin said, thumping his chest and then Jungkook scanned his torso, seeing many hickeys and love bites. He mentally facepalmed himself, "Actually I thought nobody was up at this hour, so I just came out".

"What's up hoe? I see you enjoyed the night huhhh", Jimin came from the other only in boxers too and Jin choked again since his body was covered with hickeys and love bites too but it was still minimum compare to Jungkook. Then Jin eyes landed on both of their chest and his eyes popped double the size.

"Yeah bitch I did--", before Jungkook could continued his sass, he and Jimin both noticed Jin's reaction and then Jungkook and Jimin both eyed their body again.

"Is something wrong Hyung?", Jimin asked and then Jin remember that one time when they were on camp trip and Hoseok told them that their eyes will pop out if they see what they have done.

"Y-you both have ni- nipple p-piercing?", Jin asked shocked as he could clearly see the huge bite mark on their left chest.

"Oooo that.. Yeah we both had", Jimin answered relaxed now.

"You scared us Hyung. You just acted like you saw a ghost or something", Jungkook sighed, taking out the water bottle while groaning.

"I'm surprised you are standing hoe, I was expecting you to come out in stretcher in morning", Jimin smirked.

"Dream bitch.. I'm stronger than you. I can take that .. Duuhhh", Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Well you two made it but unfortunately your room didn't. Am I right?", Jin asked.

"About that... Weeelllllll..." Jungkook emphasize on the word 'Well' then continued "Yeah the room is upside down so we moved to the guest room to sleep", Jungkook said, scratching the back of his neck.

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