She says, "Listen Spencer. I've been around them longer than you and don't disrespect my boyfriend or I'm going to punch you."

I laugh and say, "Your going to punch me. You? Omg this is hilarious. The last time you tried punching a person you somehow punched yourself in the boob. Why the hell are you so jealous of me spending time with my boyfriend's family? Is it because Rosalie, Alice, Esme, and I are besties? Considering you don't like any if the stuff they like. You may have seen them first but I got in contact before you did. I'm a social butterfly a d you are the awkwardest girl in the world."

She stomps away like a child. I stare blankly at her. I say, "If you don't treat her like an adult she will act like a 2 year old because of our mother's actions."

Edward says, "This is one of the reasons I don't like you."

Rose says, "Why? Because she's right? There is no excuse good enough to cover why she just disrespected her sister's relationship with Emmett. She supports yours with Bella because you wouldn't get off your ass long enough to talk to her. You were extremely rude and ignored your blood singer for a long time until something happened and you had to talk to her."

Edward says, "You make her insecure and doubt her place in this family."

I say, "First of all, I act like a girl and dress like one. So do Alice and Rose. It's not my fault she can't make friends nor peace. I can't do it for her. Get that stick out of your ass right now. Why don't you actually find your girlfriend?

He runs off after her and inshake my head and ask, "Has he ever been in a relationship. Isabella's problems are not my fault. She needs to get over her needs and wants. She thinks about herself a lot."

Emmett hugs me and they come back. She says, "Why are you still here? I thought they would've gotten rid of you by now."

I snuggle into Emmett and ignore her a d wink at Rose. Rose smirks and Bella screams, "Answer me you bitch."

Rosalie growls a d says, "Watch your tongue."

She cowers away from Rosalie while I calm her down. I look to her a d say, "I don't have to answer to you, I never had to. You act exactly like a single child who isn't disciplined. You need a reality check. Why don't you actually learn about the people you say you are friends with. I know they don't appreciate you calling me a bitch."

Rose growls again and Bella hides behind Edward and I laugh. I say, "You can't even stick up for yourself. How are you going to survive in the real world?"

Carlisle says, "Bella actually stick up for yourself and your sister is the sweetest thing ever. Let's play ball."

Rose goes to hit and I say, "Go Rose!!!"

She runs to home and Bella says, "Out"

I hug her while she growls and Carlisle hits the ball and gets out. Jasper is messing with the bat then Alice pitches and Emmett climbs a tree. I say to Rose, "My monkey man."

She giggles with me and I mumble "Can I hit it?"

Emmett stands behind me with one hand in front of mine and behind mine. We swing the biy and the ball flies. Emmett runs around the bases with me in his arms and I giggle when we stop after home. I got a home run. I hug Emmett and I jump on Rosalie. I say, "I got a home run in vampire baseball. That is a sentence I never dreamed of saying."

They all laugh at me. Rosalie smiles at me and sets me down. Someone hits the ball and Alice says, "Stop"

Edward runs over to Bella a d says, "We need yo get you out of here."

I roll my eyes and so does Rosalie. Emmett hugs me and mumbles, "I'll keep you safe. Don't worry, baby."

I turn into his arms and say, "I love you, Emmett."

Emmett smiles and says, "I love you too, Spencer."

The new vampires come out and the blonde one looks at me with confusion and then looks at Bella.

The one with the dreads says, "I'm Laurent. This is James and Victoria. We heard your game and came to see."

Victoria says, "We lead the humans east you should be safe."

Carlisle nods and Laurent says, "We found your ball. We were wondering if we could join."

Carlisle says, "Sure. A few of us were leaving anyways."

Victoria says, "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

Jaspers deep voice said back after he caught the ball, "I think we can handle that."

The wind decided to blow and James stares at Bella and says, "You brought a snack."

Carlisle notices a d says, "The girl is with us. I think it's best you leave."

Laurent, James, and Victoria left into the woods and Emmett picks me up like usual and takes me to his Jeep. I buckle in and frantically so does Bella and Edward looks to me and glares, "Why can't he be after you instead? Now I have to take her somewhere so he doesn't kill her."

I say, "That's not my fault, Edward. If she 'smells' good to vampires then that's the way it is."

His Nurse:حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن