Prologue ~ Strange Dreams

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Nobody paid attention as I entered the dive bar

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Nobody paid attention as I entered the dive bar. Propping myself up on an empty bar stool in relief, I signalled the bartender before ordering a glass of wine and inspecting the dark club.

The quiet hum of music filled the air, barely loud enough to drown out conversation, not that there were many people to begin with. A small, red-headed woman sat on a tabletop, lips pursed, her face held a bored expression as the guy stroking her thigh spoke eagerly. My eyes didn't stop there though, there was something else I was searching for.

On the far side of the room were various dark leather booths, almost all of them empty. A man with dark, messy hair sat alone, staring off into space in his own little world. Something about him drew me in even though I couldn't see his face from this angle, but I sensed he was the one I was looking for. Downing the remainder of the glass, I headed for the booth and my target turned his head slightly, as if aware of a presence before even getting close enough to hear.

"You again." His beautifully haunting face made it harder to breathe, but I would never admit out loud the effect he had on me.

"Who else would you be waiting for?" A menacing grin laced his lips as he made space for me beside him. Instead, I opted for the opposite side hoping to avoid any unnecessary contact. Even after all these years, it still felt like the first time.

"What can I do for you tonight, Aera?" His deep voice caused the hairs of my arms to stand to attention. "You look nervous."

Reaching across the table, he stilled my hands in his, sending the thrill of a spark up my arm. I flinched and pulled away, not wanting to go there tonight. I think. "I needed to take the edge off and I didn't think you'd be here." It wasn't exactly a lie; I hadn't been thinking of him on the way but still found I looked for him as a reflex.

"And what is troubling you this time?" He slid into the seat next to me, blocking my only escape and the rough, earthy scent that followed wherever he went, worked its way through my defences. Like the ground after rainfall and freshly mown grass—two of my favourite things.

"I have an interview in the morning and I'm stressed. If I don't sort something soon..." I didn't need to finish the sentence; we both knew what would happen if I failed to find new employment.

He fixed a stray curl daring to move out of place, delicate fingers lightly grazing my cheek. "Where at? Maybe I know of it and can put in a good word for you." Warm breath tickled my skin, it hungered for more, but I shook my head both to his comment and trying to rid the dirty thoughts beginning to arise.

"I think the Blakewell's are far from even your egotistical reach." His body stiffened and there was a wary look I hadn't seen before. "I've done enough research anyway. I just needed a break before my brain exploded."

His eyes lit up with desire, those pools of blue had threatened to take me under one too many times before and I held up a hand to stop him while the red head from earlier glided over, sitting directly on the table in front of him.

"Hey..." she purred, stroking his chest with her pink manicured fingers. A pang of jealousy hit me like a train, but I focused on anything but her before I could say something stupid. "Looking for a good time handsome?"

He waved away her hands and ignored her advances completely, his intense gaze still glued to mine. "Times up my love, but I'll be seeing you soon." And before I knew what was happening, his soft, full lips were on mine, stealing away my resolve as I allowed him to take my soul completely.

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