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I was completely uncomfortable in the upscale restaurant, fidgeting with my hair for comfort. I'd assumed he meant somewhere small and low-key, not an expensive restaurant with waiters in suits. I was very much out of place in work clothes, but Max seemed to fit in seamlessly, catching the eyes of many guests as he directed me through the large hall.

Hall was the only appropriate word with its cavernous ceilings decorated with ancient looking artwork and great chandeliers. The place was packed as we made our way to a private room in the back. Max had claimed it was necessary to avoid the mithering as many of his clients had their business meetings here. I still felt a wave of unease as I entered the much smaller room, unable to be seen by prying eyes.

The walls were covered with cream and gold florals matching the huge rug which covered most of the floor space. Vases of flowers scattered around with the occasional gaudy statue; it was far too much as I settled into a velvet seat the waiter had pulled out for me. I nodded in thanks and noticed Max staring; I couldn't possibly shrink further into myself. This was a bad idea. I looked around the room, always plotting an escape before he finally spoke.

"Can we start again? I feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I'd like to change your mind about me." Another bad idea. I could sense there was something he was missing out, so many questions left unanswered in my mind, why he was so desperate for me to work for him, what was with his hot and cold personality, nothing seemed to add up. I had a decent enough resume, but he could easily find someone to replace me. The whole situation just felt off and now I'd had time to assess.

"You're not that bad, maybe a little intense." Before I had time to regret the words there was a light knock at the door and his suited driver entered. He walked to the head of the table leaning in close as he whispered into Max's ear. His brow furrowed and nodded once as he waved the man away, this was getting weird.

"My apologies, it seems I can't escape my duties even for a minute." He looked torn between staying here and dealing with whatever had happened. Resigned to the former he asked, "So intense, huh? And what else isn't 'so bad' about me?" He smirked and I felt my face redden.

"I didn't say it was a good thing." I sipped at the glass of water, hands shaking nervously. Should I just come out and ask if he thought this was a date? What if he said no?

"Are you close with your family?" He was getting straight to the nitty gritty.

"Not really." I thought back to the last argument we'd had before I'd left for good. I couldn't even remember the cause of this particular disagreement, they all seemed to blur together, but I knew they'd welcome me back if only to accept a place by their side again. "They're stuck on traditions and how a 'lady' should act, and I didn't fit their ideals. They didn't fit mine either. They'd be happy to have me back home though." Why was I telling him all this, he didn't care about my dysfunctional family.

"Sounds like we have the same family." I studied him for a moment, he looked sad at the thought, a look I hadn't expected on his usually warm face. I had to resist the urge to comfort him, keeping my hands trained by my side. The door opened once more as food arrived, not even realising he'd ordered.

"I eat here a lot and they prepare everything ahead of time, unless you'd like to order something different." Answering the confused look on my face. I shook my head and took a bite of the closest one, some kind of meat and cheese. I cursed my unrefined palette of fast food and microwave meals. The taste was incredible, how could a simple snack be so delicious. Max waited patiently for me to finish before continuing on.

"Where do you parents live?" He questioned.

"Close to Powys in Wales, my family own land there with a little community." Best to avoid the awkward cult conversation. I took a sip of wine which had been silently poured, careful not to drink too much, as he watched and waited for me to keep talking. "I just wanted to escape the expectations and read my books in peace; they wanted me to take over. I'm sure you've realised by now I'm not a leader."

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