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"We're going to have to get out of this bed at some point." I mused, tracing the contours on his lightly muscled chest. He nuzzled into my neck, breathing in deeply.


I smiled into his hair, I could stay this way forever too. The voice inside my head was also content, like a cat curled up in front of a blazing fireplace.

"Tell me about your family." I felt him stiffen but his eyes remained closed.

"What do you want to know?"

"Do you have any siblings? Are your parents nice? Where do they live?" I wanted to know everything about him, especially since he knew every last detail about my life.

"No siblings, my parents have never been described as nice and they live very far away." I frowned at his lack of detail.

"And where exactly is very far away?"

He sighed and finally looked at me. "Do you remember the door you saw in one of your dreams? In the forest?" I nodded and thought back to the creepy feeling it gave me. "Through that door is another realm, a world much different to the one you know. I told you it was sealed off; nobody is able to travel between the two realms because of what your parents sacrificed to keep you safe."

The gears ticked as I tried to piece together what he was telling me. "How are you here then? And... there are others too." I didn't want to spoil the mood saying his name.

"Some got stuck on this side when the door was closed, but it was different for me. I'd never even seen this world, not before you showed me in your mind." I knew there was more to the story, so I waited for him to continue. "When I said you didn't will me into existence, it wasn't exactly the truth. In some way you did, regardless of the enchantment that stopped any of our kind from crossing the border, you found a way to pull me through and I've been here for five years."

His confession had me frozen, both with guilt and terror. I'd dragged him away from his family, his life, saddled to a girl filled with trauma and misery.

"Hey, I'm glad you did even if it was unintentional. Being here with you now makes all the years of waiting worth it." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. I still had a thousand questions, it felt like all I did was ask him things I should already know. I frowned, wondering if it irritated him.

"Nothing you do is irritating, unless it's running into danger without me."

"Hey, no mind reading. It isn't fair that I don't know what you're thinking." I pouted.

"Well, I can tell you exactly what I'm thinking right now..." He gave a devious smile and nipped my neck as his hand roamed my body. I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"I can't think straight when you do that." My head was still dizzy from the mind-blowing sex, I craved more but there was so much I still had to learn and do so I could be free of the niggling worry in the back of my mind. "How do you do it? Read my mind I mean. I thought you said the bond meant both parties could do it."

He nodded, his hand trailing between my breasts lazily. I sucked in a breath as he moved lower. "It doesn't take much, it's harder to keep you out and you would be able to if I didn't hold back. I wouldn't want to scare you off with all the incredibly dirty and sometimes dangerous thoughts I have about you..."

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