The Traitor

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I startled awake from the creepy nightmare leaving my skin wet with perspiration. I couldn't remember much, only being back in that awful house with Max while he tortured me unmercifully. It took me a minute to get a grip of the new surroundings, not recognising it in the light of day. The sun was blinding and as I looked around the room, I realised Sam was gone. Good.

On further inspection, a note had been pushed under the door with the words 'WHORE' written in bright red capitals. I ripped open the door, but the two guards were nowhere to be seen. Anger crept in; I didn't know anyone here for them to leave such a crass comment, but I was going to find out exactly who it was. I was halfway down the long hallway before realising I'd forgotten to put on pants in my haste to rip someone's head off, too late now.

I pulled at the oversized hoodie, grateful it covered the most intimate parts of my body, barely. The approaching men were looking me up and down with beady eyes and I wanted to run back but stubbornness stilled me. "Was this you?" My fists clenched around the note as they laughed amongst themselves.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Both men wore shit eating grins which only confirmed my theory.

"Cut out the dickhead act, you're unattractive enough as it is." I folded my arms which inadvertently lifted the only bit of clothing I had on, a brief flash of white panties showing. His eyes blazed with lust and I felt the heat in my cheeks rise with anger and repulsion. I don't know where the aggression came from but while he was distracted, I swung my fist and collided with his jaw. It didn't have the impact I'd hoped, he barely moved against the small force, but it did wipe the smug look off his face leaving a small red mark. I should really learn how to fight if I was going to be harassed by men so much bigger than me.

He grabbed my wrist aggressively and pulled me towards him, my toes barely touching the ground as pain seared through my arm. I swung my knee with all the might I could muster and made a direct hit right where it hurts. He dropped at once and crumpled to the ground.

"Don't ever touch me again or it'll be the last thing you ever do." I hadn't felt this level of rage before and I hated that I let it consume me. The man writhed on the floor and multiple sets of footsteps converged on our location.

"Aera." My heart quickened at the familiar melodic voice. I couldn't make my body move, frozen to the spot as my mind whirred. The happiness was fleeting as I recalled him forcing me to leave, not explaining anything and in the care of complete strangers without a second thought. I stiffened against his soft touch, wrapping his long coat around my shoulders but his hand didn't move from the small of my back.

The worry was prominent on every inch of his face, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him directly. He quickly adjusted and it was replaced with cool anger towards the writhing mess of a man on the floor.

"Don't you have something to say to Miss Adams, Ridick?" The man's eyes flitted between his leader and the small wisp of a girl who had him doubled over in pain, gritting his teeth like a cornered animal.

"If you think I'm going to apologise to a crazy bitch you-" A crack broke through the air but no one had moved a muscle. The man's eyes grew wide and terror plagued his face, locked on the ground and unable to move. "Sorry." He grimaced, as if the words were forced upon him.

Sam steered me back towards the room, my legs wobbled and threatened to give out, but his body reacted quickly, sweeping me off my feet and cradled against his warm chest. I wanted to refuse but the heat and earthy floral scent whispered to me, and my body complied without thinking. I rested my head against him breathing in deeply, fresh blooming flowers mixed with earth and rain assaulted senses I didn't know I had. I closed my eyes enjoying the small moment before I'd unleash hell on him.

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