Death Becomes Her

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I lay completely still as I heard the low whispers from the other side of the room, too low for me to make out. A pair of calloused hands grabbed me, swiftly handcuffing my thin wrists together and wrapping a blindfold around my eyes. Complete darkness.

I was carried by two, one more handsy than the other. "Cut it out. She ain't seen the inside of a tub for weeks."

The other chuckled as I lay limp, too exhausted to retaliate. "Yeah, but she's still a looker ain't she. I like 'em dirty." Usually, I'd recoil in disgust, but it only made them enjoy it more, so I stayed still, unfeeling, unmoving, as they carried me up the stairs. Doors opened and closed, more muttering as I was placed on a cold tile floor and left. No locks clicked into place. Their mistake.

Still untrusting, I didn't dare to move. Not until I heard the sound of gentle sobs as the blindfold and cuffs were removed and the light pierced my vision. Blinking against the harsh sun, I covered my face to avoid whatever sick game was about to begin instinctively.

More sobs before a soft cooing voice, "Hey, it's me. Don't worry, they've all gone."


A few moments passed as my eyes adjusted to the harsh light, a bathroom. Something else was going on.

"You're okay, well I know you're not, but I promise I won't hurt you. I've been trying to get you out since you got here, and now everything is moving so quickly, this was the only chance. I'm so sorry Aera, I couldn't stop them." Tears rolled down Gwen's cheeks and still I couldn't find it within myself to feel. Only emptiness remained where my heart should be.

No more words were exchanged, only winces at the state my body must be in as Gwen carefully peeled the filthy clothes from my skeletal body. Taking care to avoid any open cuts and bruises as she washed me down under the shower. I couldn't find the strength to stand, and Gwen made no move to force me as she carefully scrubbed the raw skin, I could only imagine the colour of the water running down the drain.

There was no embarrassment or need to hide. I supposed my body should at least be clean when Sam found it, when he said goodbye to the cold, lifeless corpse. A small comfort.

It took until the sun was high in the sky for Gwen to complete her duties. Dressing me in a flimsy beige dress and attempting to cover up the injuries with make-up and layers of clothes. The weak smile she gave told me it wasn't enough. Nothing could disguise the abuse I'd endured. And it was okay.

I took her hands in mine, squeezing a little to release some of the guilt written plainly across her face. More tears before the heavy footsteps grew closer.

"Don't worry," she hurriedly whispered. "We're working on getting you out of here, all will be well miss."

The door flung open, and I wished I'd had time to tell her not to bother, it was no use anyone else getting caught up in this. It would end with me.

I was seated alone in the office, guards waiting at the nearby door, excited chatter carrying throughout the whole house. The witch had been found. She was here.

My eyes scanned the room for something sharp, something I could cause harm with. Pens, paper, nothing in the drawers. Time was running out and I could sense them drawing closer. I mustered up every ounce of strength I had left as I darted from each cupboard, nothing of use. Light danced from behind the curtain, catching on something shiny hung along the far wall. A collection of fancy looking knives with intricate handles, it would do.

Footsteps shuffled outside the door as I hurried back to her chair, carefully placing the knife within my sleeve. What luck they wanted me covered up. It would all be over soon. The doors opened and I resumed a blank stare at the opposite wall, it was all too easy to sink back into the darkness and let it consume me.

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