The Lost Child

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The trees flew by in a blur, rarely coming across any signs of life this far out of the city. I didn't know how long we'd been travelling but my stomach rumbled grumpily at every given chance.

Max was silent and brooding, only breaking now and again to inform me of things I needed to do and not do when we arrived. Don't speak, if asked a question only short concise answers, don't say anything about my life or where I live, don't stray too far from his side, the rules were exhausting.

He steadied his nerves with bourbon which he'd pulled from a hidden compartment between the seats, the rich were on a whole different planet. I declined his offer to join him, I'd need to keep my wits about me if his rules were anything to go by.

The car vibrated a little louder as it turned onto an overgrown track, much rougher than the roads I was used to. "There's still time to turn around if you've changed your mind."

"I didn't come all this way to run away at the last second, I need to know the truth." Smiling weakly, I turned to behold the stunning view before me as we reached the peak of the incline.

The trees thinned and I spotted the distant sprawling mansion from my most recent dream, it hadn't done it justice. The vast house sat on acres of land, mostly covered in pine trees and wilderness, it was hidden from the main road and not easy to find unless you knew what to look for. I spotted a large lake behind the property with dark, still waters and a large greenhouse was erected to the right of the main building, ivy had overrun the walls menacingly keeping out any form of life.

The large windows were lit this time, mostly the ground floor, sweeping away the gloom it once held. Had my dream been a forewarning of what was to come? It had warned to stay away and now here I was, a willing participant.

As the car pulled to a stop, I saw Sam waiting in the archway and once again the nerves bubbled to the surface along with confusion. I took a few steadying breaths, game face on and ready. Max exited the car first holding out his hand for me to follow. I was glad for the stolen trainers stopping me from making a fool of myself on the gravelled path, I would've definitely gone face first in those heels.

"Max. Delighted you could make it. Your father was sure you'd decline his invitation."

"Invitation implies I had a choice in being here." Max spat back. Sam's eyes followed the length of my arm, still holding on to Max for support, an unknown anger rose within and it emanated from his body, keenly filling the space between us.

"I didn't think the invitation extended to strays."

I met his gaze defiantly, the tension crackling in the crisp, night air. "I thought it was about time I met Max's family, see what the secrets are all about."

Disregarding my statement, he turned his attention back to Max. "You're wanted in the study; you know he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Max began walking towards the looming doorway before he was interrupted. "I'll give Miss Adams a tour of the house while you're gone." His body went rigid, pushing himself in front of me possessively.

"She stays with me." It was as if a growl had erupted from his chest, a dare to push him any further. Sam's face was cold and unyielding, he didn't cower in fear as I'd seen his employees do earlier, only rising to the challenge.

"I think we can both agree it's safer for everyone if she stays away until the golden child can spin his lies." Venom dripped from his words; a deep-rooted hatred simmered.

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