New Beginnings

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I awoke in a field of damp grass, the moon looming overhead with an eerie glow. No sounds could be heard, not even a cricket chirped as I watched the clouds lazily drift from left to right. Maybe I should stay here all night, no ominous dark-haired men stalking me or the intense feeling of being watched. The world was at peace.

Light footsteps grazed the grass, and it didn't even startle me anymore when the shadowy figure lay down beside me. So much for getting some alone time. "Can't you just leave me alone for one night?"

I don't even know why I said it, it wasn't like the guy was sentient. At this point I was just waging war with my own mind.

"Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a choice. Maybe you should try not thinking about me 24/7?"

"I don't think about you at all!" I screeched, even I knew it was a lie. He leaked into every waking thought without me even realising and I hated that I couldn't stop thinking about him. His stupidly perfect face and dark aura made having feelings for anyone else almost impossible. What sane person compared a dream man to everyone she dated.

"Why am I here if you're not obsessing over me? This is your dream, not mine."

"You're just always there. How am I supposed to stop if you can't give me five minutes peace?" Did I want to stop? Over ten years of growing up with each other, I didn't know if I could let him go.

"Fine." He smoothly rose to his feet, and I craned my neck over the long grass, watching as he disappeared into a web of dark trees. The uncomfortable feeling of being watched returned and I tried to convince myself he was just trying to scare me, lurking in the trees like the creepy stalker he was.

I couldn't settle after that, though. It was as if my whole body was itching to run away and only by being near him did I feel safe. I had to follow, but not before internally screaming and cursing myself for walking towards my impending doom like every main character in a horror film.

No light broke through the canopy of trees, and it was as deathly silent here as it was in the open field—something wasn't right. "This is fine. Totally okay. It's just a dream." I recited the words over and over hoping it would sink in and calm my shivering body. It didn't.

Within minutes I could barely see two feet in front of me, most of the moonlight now obscured by twisted bark. I walked with my arms held out, waving them wildly at the morphing shadows, each one clinging to my skin and threatening to consume me whole. "I hate this shit." I hissed at the emptiness.

As if hearing my words, the forest answered with a faint red glow, not at all ominous. I followed the growing light, weaving between the trees faster now as my instincts urged me to get the hell out of here. He was already waiting, his figure silhouetted with the deep red glimmer which seemed to be coming from a door carved into the enormous trunk.

"What's a door doing in the middle of a forest? And why is it glowing?" I asked, coming to a stop by his side. He shrugged but there was a familiarity in his eyes I couldn't shake. "Well, I didn't dream it up so you must know something. I've never even been to this place before."

He hummed noncommittally, "Maybe you've just forgotten."

Rolling my eyes, I huffed. "I think I'd remember a weird glowing door in a dark scary forest. This is ridiculous." I reached out for the bronze handle, but a warm grip tightened around my wrist, pulling me into his side and capturing me with his burning gaze.

"Not yet, little dove."

"Why not?"

"You still have a lot to learn and maybe you'll decide against unleashing what's behind the door."

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