The Edge of Hell

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"It isn't like we haven't looked; he doesn't want to be found." I sat precariously on the edge of the stool while Claudia went over everything they'd tried over the past few weeks for the third day in a row. Sam had only come back a handful of times to check for new leads and now I had returned, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, check again, there must be something we can do." Panic began to set in as I struggled to hold the anguish. The frail looking witch, Hattie as they had called her, busied herself over a small cauldron in the kitchen. We were back at the cabin, the winter snow slowly beginning to thaw, and the beautiful landscape now muddied with dirt and the first bud of spring.

"Don't worry my sweet, once we have you all fixed up there won't be a soul alive you cannot find." Her words were cryptic and confusing, as if something ailed me and I hadn't noticed. It would take a few days for her brew to be complete, far too long if Sam was in immediate danger. "Perhaps this strapping young man can help start your training."

Training sessions. What was the point if I couldn't access my powers? There was a block, the witch had said, something was in the way of me connecting with the other half of myself and this potion was supposed to solve all our problems.

"Come on, Princess. They have it under control so let's take a walk." Cole sheepishly took my arm in his and I admitted defeat.

The fresh air was much needed, I thought as we strolled around the acres of land behind the cabin and Cole tried to talk me down from the ledge. All I wanted to do was be out there, searching for my mate. Instead, I was stuck here watching the snow melt and trying to understand the information overload.

"What else can you all do?" So far, we had discussed Claudia, how her shielding powers were unmatched, as well as the little bits of physical magic she had acquired along the way. Manipulating peoples features as well as the world around her, disguises were her favourite.

"Now Mason, he's a little different. He's what we call a siphon." The word made me freeze to the spot. Noticing the panic in my eyes he shook his head vigorously. "Don't worry, he can't hurt you even if he wanted to. He isn't strong enough to contain a power as great as yours even for a few minutes."

It still put me on edge to think there could be enemies around us I hadn't even considered, hiding in plain sight and waiting for their moment to pounce. I wouldn't even say the power I had was 'great', all I'd managed to do was reduce a house to ash and nearly get myself killed in the process. I shivered and Cole placed an arm around me protectively.

"What even is my power? I don't understand."

"We're not entirely sure, there were rumours, but Hattie isn't exactly forthcoming with answers. What I do know is you were the key to unlocking whatever sealed us here and now the barrier is gone most have returned home." He shuffled uncomfortably, questions on the tip of his tongue.

"Do you trust me?" It caught me off guard, of course I did, the uncomfortable night sharing a cell definitely proved it.

"Do you really think I'd be wandering around powerless with you if I didn't?" He shrugged apprehensively before creating a little space between us. "What's up?"

His eyes darted around nervously before finally settling to look me in the eye. "I think I know where Sam is..."

"Right... and why are you only bringing this up now?" Anger mixed with confusion at his confession chipped away at my facade. I had to give him the benefit of the doubt though.

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