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I woke up many times during the night, afraid of both my dreams and reality. The light broke through the thick, velvet curtains as I heard scurrying outside the door. Max was sat at the end of the bed, shoulders slumped and head bowed low. I played over what I wanted to say, having hours of broken sleep to think.

I needed to see my parents first, if I could even call them that anymore. I needed to hear the truth from them before I'd accept Sam's stories. Sitting upright in the bed, the silk covers rustled beneath me, attracting Max's attention.

"You're up." Dark circles had formed beneath his eyes, lids drooping slightly. I spotted the almost empty bottle in his hand as he stood. "Rough night." He said and downed the dregs.

"The maids pulled out some old clothes that should fit you if you'd like to change." He picked up a t-shirt and baggy sweatpants and tossed them over. He made no effort to leave, guess I'm getting changed right here, I thought angrily. I fumbled under the covers, struggling to pull on the clothes without showing off too much skin. His back was still turned but I didn't fully trust him after the talk with Sam last night. Damn that arsehole planting more doubt in my mind.

Breathless but finally dressed, I slipped out of the bed less gracefully than I'd hoped and grabbed the solid wood drawers beside the bed. I heard a wry laugh and Max was stood a few feet behind me. There was something dark in his eyes I hadn't seen before and it alarmed me.

"You've got some nerve laughing at me when you're in the dog house."

He sighed and stretched his arms, trying to work out the built-up tension. "I see you had a nice chat with Samael last night." His face full of disgust at the mention of him.

"He's the only one around here with any balls to tell me the truth."

"The truth?! Not one word that comes out of his filthy mouth is the truth. He knows even less than I do, he's never even been in the meetings with my dad."

"Oh, so you admit you've had secret meetings about me then?"

His jaw tightened realising he'd been caught out. "That isn't what I meant. Look Aera, I care about you, a lot. The only reason I even go to those things is to make sure I can keep you safe."

He edged closer, caressing my fingers softly. His face was solemn, and I couldn't help but relax under his touch. Why did I melt into a puddle whenever he was close? Sensing the change of mood, he pushed further.

"I want to tell you everything, I do, I just don't want you to get caught up in all of this. Sam is like a black hole that sucks you in, destroying everything in his path. If you just saw the kind of people he hangs around with you'd know I'm right."

He lifted a hand to my cheek and kissed my forehead, the darkness in his eyes replaced with light. I didn't need this, I didn't need him muddling my thoughts when I had a plan of attack ready. But something held me down, I couldn't help but lean into his touch, the warmth spreading through like fire.

"I need you to be honest with me, I need answers." He nodded planting a gentle kiss on my lips, I frowned at the smell of bourbon burning my nose. "And no more drowning your sorrows." I felt his smile as he deepened the kiss, his strong hands roaming through my messy hair.

"Fuck. We're going to have a problem if I can't keep my hands off you even in my clothes."

I smiled nervously, what was I doing wanting him as close as humanly possible. My thoughts were racing, unable to keep up with the burning desire coursing through my body. He lifted me easily, making his way over to the bed before removing his shirt. My eyes widened at the hardened shape of him, I fought the urge to run my fingers over his bare chest. I noticed his hard erection against his pants and suddenly the situation was becoming too real. This was a bad idea. I didn't want this.

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