Awkward Encounters

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Clothes were strewn all over the ever-growing floordrobe in the bedroom; luckily it didn't seem out of place against the mismatched painted walls and many knick-knacks gathering dust on the wooden shelves. It was my safe space. In an unpredictable world I could be predictably messy. Or at least it's what I told myself so I didn't need to keep it spotless.

The large double bed was unmade and littered with outfit choices for the night, still unsure if this would be a celebration or sulk. Of course I wanted to take the job with the immensely handsome boss, the idea of him leaning over me, ever so slightly touching against his muscled frame, inhaling his distinct scent while he...

Nope. Stop that. There was no way in hell he'd be interested, I thought as I took a quick look in the long ornamental mirror. Standing in just black laced underwear I groaned. I knew on some level I wasn't ugly, but it didn't stop those hurtful thoughts entering my mind telling me I wasn't good enough. Faded scars littered the tops of my arms and back, a little more noticeable since I'd gained some weight. I frowned at the plumpness of my stomach.

Shaking myself out of the growing doubts before I could change my mind, I turned away from the mirror. I needed this. I needed to escape for a while and maybe even find someone to soothe the dull ache inside. It had been a while, and I wasn't ashamed to flirt with the idea of having a good time.

Still undecided about what to wear, I video called Kate, one of my closest friends from university. We'd really bonded over the shared hate of our first boss, always too handsy with the overpowering stench of cheap aftershave.

She answered almost instantly, blonde hair already slicked back into a ponytail and face done up with heavy make-up. I could tell this was going to be a long night just by how much she'd done herself up.

Kate's eyes were searching as she squealed, "Girl! You better not be ringing to cancel on me!" I could hear loud music playing in the background and groaned in defeat.

"I can't find anything to wear!" I whined, switching the camera to the abysmal outfit choices.

"You are not going out in my granny's clothes again." Kate took in the flowered dresses and long sleeved tops. "Don't move an inch, I'm coming over."

And she'd put the phone down. Quick and to the point as usual, I fell forward onto the bed and sighed. I knew it meant an all too revealing dress and unfortunate make over. As much as I loved my best friend, the thought of being uncomfortable and gawped at all night didn't sit well with me. But Kate knew what she was doing, and this would be the easiest way to relieve the gnawing feeling inside.

There was barely a knock on the apartment door as Kate waltzed in before waiting for an answer ten minutes later, her arms ladened with dresses and make up. "Try these on." She commanded before shooing me away to the bathroom. I knew better than to argue when she was in the zone.

I looked down at the pile of clothes, frowning at each one I pulled out. My eyes stopped at an emerald green, velvet dress, the only one with long sleeves and breathed out a sigh of relief.

The comfort was short lived as the dress left very little to the imagination, its short length revealing far too much thigh. Even though I hated admitting it, the dress fit well, hugging my figure in all the right places and revealing a waist I didn't even think existed. Confidence slowly creeping up, I returned to the bedroom as Kate's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Oh. My. God." She gasped, taking it all in. "Nobody else stands a chance tonight with you in that dress." Beaming, she ushered me into the chair with her various torture devices spread across the table.

"Now, let's fix your face. No, I don't want to hear it." She firmly put her hand up to stop my opening mouth. "You need a face to match that goddess of a body."

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