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So you're probably wondering what has happened since kris was in town. You're probably wondering how that all went.
Well for starters let me tell you that it is the very beginning of November and I'm getting ready to leave this weekend...
I dropped some of my classes to online to be able to leave ASAP pretty much if anything was to happen even though she's not due until April. Anyways but also just to see her and her stomach growing with my little sibling in it a lot more !
No I am currently not getting ready to go back to California, im getting ready to go somewhere else....

Mean while things with Al and Kris went great! They got along great and things with Al and I couldn't be better!
"Ness!" Al yelled from the living room of Alexis and I's place.
"Yess!" I yelled back.
" you almost done cause I want some of your cooking !" He said as he walked into my room causing me to chuckle.
"Yess!" I said.
"Good!" He said walking up behind me wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Causing me to blush.
" do you really gotta go this weekend?" He said
"Yes I'm sorry. She's a good friend that I grew up with. " I told him. Turning around wrapping my arms around his neck. "Okay"
"But I think I got something we can do one last time before I leave tomorrow. "I said slowly pulling my bag down for the bed with one hand.
"Oh" he smirked at me then started kissing me.
And as you could guess we took it to the bed next...

It was currently 6 in the morning and my flight was leaving as soon as I got there. Yes of course I was taking a private jet. It is only a little over a 3 hour flight to Miami.
So I haven't told you why I'm going to Miami yet. Well I have this friend names Sam and she is getting married this weekend in Miami and I am one of her bridesmaids!!! We pretty much grew up together because of... Jake. Yup! She's Jake cousin and since him and I were like best friends when we were kids I got to know a lot of his family. And just happened to become good friends with one for probably the rest of my life.
Also, yes I will be seeing Jake for the first time since the last day of school. We never talked after that. The whole summer I was with Alexis if she wasn't with Kris and I had my family vacations to go on.
So anyways I woke up and started doing my make up and then I straightened my hair. After that I changed into a cute outfit and threw on some white slip on vans for the mean time cause I didn't want to wear the heels I planned on wearing until I was getting off the plane.

I wore cute ripped jeans and a cute cropped strapped top

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I wore cute ripped jeans and a cute cropped strapped top.
All was left to do was grab the two bags I had and head off to the airport and on to the plane.

To sammi😻: just wanted to let you know I'm about to take off so you'll see me soon ❤️ so excited !
I sent Sam a text before the plane took off. Just so she knew everything was all good.

The rest of the plane ride I just watched some Prime I was currently rewatching teen wolf. But because of that. The time went by pretty fast and before I knew it I was getting off the plane.

From sammi😻: hey! I got caught up in last minute things but Jake is gonna pick you up! I'm sorry!!!!! ❤️

I groaned and knowing how awkward this car ride was gonna be! We were all from out of town so we were all staying at the same hotel!
I got to the gate from where the private jets land and yup... there was a car waiting for me and I knew it had to be Jake.
As I walked up to the car, Jake got out. "Hey" he simply said.
"Hey" I said. And he started to take my bags from me. "You don't have to" I told him.
" I know" he said and finished taking the bags. He put them in the back seat before opening the passenger door for me. God this was killing me. It was giving me flash backs of us.
"Thank you" I said.
"You're welcome " he said giving me a little smile before closing my door and walking over to get in the car.
"You look good" he said. "Thanks" I gave him a little smile trying not to blush.
" so how's senior year going for you?" I asked him.
"Not too bad. Still got the group going. But it's not the same with out you and Alexis" Jake answers. " I never thought I'd say that" Jake chuckled.
" isn't weird how we all knew each other and grew up with each other but never hug out.. until... you know..." I said. "Until we dated. Yeah" Jake said.
" you guys changed that group for the better" Jake added. "Well thanks. We miss you guys too"

"How college treating you guys?" He asked.
"Good. I really like it. I dropped some classes to online so I can go to California a lot so see my mom"
"Oh right she's expecting huh!" He said.
"Yes "I said excitingly. " well congratulations! I haven't seen your mom in a while but I already gave her my congrats" he said.
"Well thanks" I gave him a little smile and with that we got to the hotel.
"Want help? After we gotta start heading to the brunch"
" think I got it. Thanks" I said.
"Alright well I will be waiting for you right here" Jake said as he sat down in a chair in the lobby.
"Okay" I chuckled.
I went up to my small little sweet and just dropped of my bags and grabbed my purse before heading back down stairs.
"Ready?" Jake said as he stood up as I walked up to him.
"Yup" I gave him a small smile.
With that we were headed off to brunch where everyone by now was probably waiting for us.

"VANEESSAAA" Sam Yelled excitingly running up to me giving me a big hug.
"IVE MISSED YOU!" I said jumping up wrapping my legs around her waist.
"ME TOO!" She have me a big squeeze before I jumped off.
" it's been too long! I miss having you in cali!" She gave me a sad face.
"I'll be back in three short year" I gave her a smile.
"I can't wait!" She said.
"Hey" I said to Jason who was Sams fiancé. I had met him a few times. Buts it's been a while.
" hey" he said and gave me a little hug.
" you take care of this girl! Okay! She's something not worth loosing" I told him.
"Don't worry I know what I got, when I got it. Unlike Jake over here " Jason took a jab at him.
" burn!" Sam said causing us to laugh.
I finished saying hi to everybody then came Jakes mom. " hi! Sweetie!" She gave me a big hug.
" hi!" I gave her one back giving her a little squeeze. I've missed her a little to be honest!
"How's college!" She asked.
" not too bad. But I'm doing more online just so I can be there for my mom and soon to be baby sibling!" I told her.
" oh yes! I saw your mom just a week or so ago! She's glowing!" She replied.
" of course she is! She's my momma! Anyways! How is the new house!"
" it's been going good! I found an even more perfect house! It's my dream house so I think ima buy that one and remodel the one I'm in now. To give it to Jake after college!" She told me.
" ooo that sounds exciting! I'm so happy for you guys!" I told her.

We all ate brunch which felt so short cause it went by so fast. I got a ride with Sam back to the hotel and then
After we got back I ended up going up to my room and falling asleep not meaning to.
A few hours later I woke up. And decided to go lay out at the pool since it was only almost three thirty when I woke up. I got dressed in a bikini and headed on down to the pool.

As I was chillin, Layin out I decided to FaceTime Al real quick for a little.
"Hey, hows Miami?" He asked as he answered by call.
" sunny and warm" I smiled.
" I bet! I see you getting your little tan on!" He said.
"Yes" I chuckled. " gotta take advantage of the sun while I got it " I added.
" true" he said.
" well I miss you" I told him.
" I miss you too, pretty girl." He said causing me to blush a little.
" how's class?"
"Boring with out you"
" I bet! You actually have to focus" I joked
" I do, it's amazing what you can learn when you don't have a pretty girl be such a distraction" he joked.
" oh shut up" I laughed.
And out of the corner of my eye I could see Jake.
"Well I gotta get going to class. I'll talk to you later beautiful! Have fun!" Al told me just as Jake was walking up.
" okay, go and get some knowledge in that brain of yours. Talk to you later" I smiled.
"Bye" he chuckled.
"Bye" I said before ending the call.

"What you doing out here ?" I asked as he took a seat on the lounge chair next to me.
"Same as you. Catching some sun"
" you down to go to the beach?" I asked him.
" yeah" he gave me a little smile.
Our hotel was right off the beach it was a very private one.

Jake and I walked down to the beach and just sat down in the sand for a little.
" do you ever miss high school? Jake asked me
" all the time but I'm also loving New York" I smiled.
"Is it cause if him?" He asked, catching me by surprise. Causing me to look at him. "How do you know about him?" I asked.
"Kris" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well if I'm being honest. No I'm not loving it because of some guy. I don't need no guy. I'm loving it because I have my best friend by my side through it all and New York is a beautiful city" I told him.
And he nodded his head" good" he smiled.
" good that it isn't him making me love New York or that I'm actually in love with it?" I asked him.
" we are not gonna go this" he chuckled. Shaking his head.
I stayed silent.
" come on let's go in the water" he said after standing up and taking his shirt off.
He held out his hand to help me up and I accept it.
I stood up and took off my top.

A few hours had pasted and I decided to head back up to my room since I was done soaking up the sun. And didn't want to risk burning.
"Hey, do you wanna get dinner later together? I just don't wanna eat alone" Jake asked me right before we got to my floor. " sure" I gave him a small smile.
"Okay, see you at 7?"
" see you at 7" I said.
And I got out of the elevator.
It felt good to be hanging out with Jake again. After all he was my best friend before we ever dated.
I went into my room and took a shower, then threw on leggings and a cute little vans t-shirt that was over sized and had flowers on the back. I did some quick and simple make up and then put my hair in two French braids so it would look cute tomorrow for the dinner reception.

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