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Jake kinda moved in a few weeks ago. His mom told him to stay with me til she gets home in a few weeks. And I guess his parents are splitting up. His mom talked to my mom of course before anything. And surprisingly my mom was okay with it.

"Ima go out with Kris and the boys tonight. Okay baby?" Jake said to me. I think it's what he's needed. He didn't have the closed relationship with his dad. Specially since he use to abuse him. But he was taking this split hard. But trying to hide it.

"Yeah, no problem" I smiled and gave him a little kiss. "I'll keep you updated as much as possible." He told me.
"It's okay" I smiled at him. "Hey..." I said and he gave me a little cute nod. I put my hand on his cheek. "I love you" I told him. This was the first time of me ever saying anything. His smiled grew bigger. "I love you" he said. " you do?!" I blushed. " how could I not. You're my world" he wrapped his arms around me. Picking me up. Scooting his arms holding up me from the bottom and I wrapped my legs around his waist. " you're mine baby" I told him.
"Thank you for everything " he told me and gave me a kiss on the head.
Waking up and going to sleep next to him has been pretty great.

"You better go, before they start ringing the doorbell" I chuckled.
"You're right" he kissed me.
And with that he was off.
For the rest of the night I just chilled in my room watching Netflix and FaceTiming Alexis.
It was around 9:10 and I had just heard from Jake around 8:25When all the sudden I was getting a random call.

"Hey let me call you back, someone's calling me" I told her and immediately hung up.
"Hello" I said.
"Yes, is this Vanessa Kardashian?" The random voice said.
"Uhh" I said.
"This is nurse Mrs. Verdugo. You were Jake Ledgers, speed dial call. He's here at the hospital... Him and his friends. They were involved in an accident, his parents didn't pick up" she said.
My heart was beating and tears started to form in my eyes. Word by word.
"Uhh. This is she. Are they okay?" I answered.
"Um I suggest you come over here" she said.
With that I hung up and grabbed my phone and shoes.
"MOM!" I cried banging on her door!
"MOM!" I cried.
"What?! What is it baby?!" She looked at me concerned. " WE GOTTA GO TO THE HOSPITAL! JAKE AND THEM GOT IN A CRASH! " I cried. Wanting to drop to the floor. My heart beating fast and faster as I tried to catch my breath.

" it's okay baby" my mom hugged me. "Let's go" she said and grabbed her keys and purse.
We got to the hospital as quick as possible and I ran inside, along with my mom.
We hurried and found his room. Even though it felt so long because stupid, stupid patient confidence.
I opened the door to his hospital room. And the tears came flood all back. There we was lying is his comma.
"Hi, I'm dr. Madrid. You must be Vanessa" he said and stuck his hand out. And as he did so my mom walked in.
"Yes " I spoke softly. And shook his hand. As my mom followed.
"So believe it or not he's a lucky one" the dr said.
"WhT happened?" I asked. "Well. Him and three others, were going up a mountain and a drunk driver was coming down. He ended up colliding with them. Making the car skid off the mountain. The driver of their vehicle died on impact. Kris was left with a broken leg. And Aaron is suffering with some sever brain damage, we aren't sure when he will wake up."
"So micheal Died" I cried. And the dr nodded his head. I sat down with my head in my lap.

"What's his condition?" My mom asked as she patted my back. "He is in a mild coma we hope he will wake up in a few weeks. A month tops. He also has a broke arm." The dr explained. I looked up and his what seemed like hopeless body.
Today was suppose to be one of the best days of our lives. It was the first time I ever told him I loved him and now he's laying in a hospital.
"Umm, where is kris?" I asked the dr.
"He's two rooms down. I believe he's awake by now" he said.
I walked out of the room and down to Kris. " hey" he said.
"I know. I'm messed up from it too" he said with his arms open gesturing to give me a hug.
"I told him I loved him today" I payed next to Kris and cried.
"I know. He told me. He was so happy. He was so nervous to tell you" he smiled. And I smiled just at the thought of Jake talking to him with a big old smile.
"Umm have you, talked to Alexis yet?" I told him.
"No I haven't." He said.
"I'll have my mom go get her. She'd wanna be here. Until you get out" I told him and got up. Trying to whip my tears away.
"Thanks" he gave me a small smile. And I gave him and fake one.

Once I talked to my mom. I had her go and get Alexis so she could see Kris. My mom has no problem doing so.
"Babes! Omg! How are you!" She ran to me and gave me a huge hug! "What?! Me ?! Girl you should be with Kris." I told her. " not before see you!" She said.
We talked for a little and the she went to her mans. My mom knew I wasn't gonna leave his side tonight so she brought me clothes, my computer and school homework. Cause yes she still expects me to get work done if I'm not going to school.
"Hi baby" I said grabbing his hand. "I'm not leaving your side. Until my mom makes me go to school" I joked. " I love you" I told him once again. And a tear fell on my cheek.

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