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It was a Saturday! A month Into freshman year of college. Al and I have been getting a long great. No, nothing has happened just yet. But I kinda hope so, soon.
Adelaine Morin was in town so I was currently getting ready to meet up with her!
I was just about to leave the apartment!
"Hey! I'm heading out!" I yelled at Alexis. "Okay well I'll be here when you get back!" She yelled back.
Alexis and I have been very cautious making friends this past month. We haven't brought anyone over. we've already experienced an incident with Alexis and this one girl, who shall not be named.
She was trying to use her to get to me. Luckily we caught that real quick.

Alexis and I both got on the same page that we don't let anyone come over unless we both agree and think their attentions are real. If one of us disagrees. Then they are not allowed over. We also agreed it's best to wait at least two or three months before thinking about letting them over.
This is our private home a lot of people wouldn't mind Turing their backs on us once they got access to that and selling someone a story.

But anyways so I was officially getting into the car when I got a text from Al

Al: hey, my friends are having a party tonight. Please come and bring Alexis. It would be a drag with out you, and I'd be miserable!
Delivered 2:10pm

To Al: I'll talk to Alexis about in a little. I'm about to go meet up with a friend for lunch. I'll let you know soon! :)
Delivered at 2:17pm

Al: no problem! Hope you can make it ! :)
Delivered at 2:18pm

" HEY GIRL!" Adelaine said excitedly jumping up from the table she got us to give me a quick hug!
"Hey!!!" I said 
"Sooo how you liking college !" She asked as we took a seat.
"It's not too bad now. But it is only the first month in" I chuckled.
"Welll any cute boys!!!" She said excitingly as her Adelaine self!
I just looked at her and looked away giving her a little smirk!
"Well his name is Al and he's totally hot" I said

"What can I get you to drink?" The waiter came up and asked us.
"Dr pepper" I said
"Lemonade" Adelaine said.
"Thank you" we both said.
"Okay girl so what's his name and how things going ?!"

And you can only guess what we talked about the rest of the pretty much two and a half hours we were their and talked.

"Okay! Girl keep me updated and I'll definitely make sure to come out here again soon !" She said and we said our goodbyes!
"Good ! And I definitely will! Love you!" I replied
"Save travels !" I added.
"Love you too!" She said before getting out of the car ! I  dropped her off at her hotel myself so I knew she got back safely.

To Al: I'll see you in 2 hrs ;)
Al: see you then :)

And with that I went home to start getting ready with Alexis. Now it doesn't take up two hours to get ready but when we get ready together it does.
"Okay If you end up bringing him home, you better put something on your door" Alexis joked as we got ready.
"Oh my god. Shut up" I laughed.
"What! I'm serious ! And you better at least leave me the keys first" Alexis added.
"Oh my god! Okay" I said just to get her to shut up even though I had no intentions of even doing so at all!

 "Oh my god! Okay" I said just to get her to shut up even though I had no intentions of even doing so at all!

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I got dressed in a cute little tight fitted strip dress and a cropped blue jean jacket. With white shoes.
I had to take a cute pic and posted it on my snap story. Before us heading out.
As we were heading out I got a FaceTime call from Scott.
"Hey" I answered it.
"Hey! I just wanted to call and see how it's going" Scott replied.
"It's going good. The work hasn't gotten to me yet. How's the family back home ?"
"They are doing good. Your momma and soon to be little sis are striving" he replied.
Yes my mom is pregnant. Along with my aunt Kylie. It's so crazy and weird. But I'm happy for both of them. Well mainly my mom. Kylie and I haven't spoken since I gave my two sense in on her pregnancy. I told her I was happy for her but thought she should have been more careful for her only being 20 and having a kid now. Yes she's successful and can handle it. It's not about that. It's about that she had her whole life to have a kid.
"Awe ! Yay! I can't wait to see them for fall break" I smiled.
"Have you talked to Kylie yet?" He asked.
I shook my head. " well you guys need to get over it. She's carrying your little cousin. She could use your support right now"
" I know." I simply said. I'm stubborn just like a lot of people in my family and I'm just not ready to talk to her.
"When I'm ready" I added. He nodded his head. "Well ima be in town, in about a week n a half. We should do something" he offered.
"Ooo! Yah! For sure!!" I said.
"Sweet. Ima be in town for a week so we got time to do stuff"
"It's gonna be so nice to see you" I told him.
" you too" he said
" well I'm on my way to a party. I'll catch you later ? Okay?"
" for sure! Be safe ! Love you" he told me
"Love you too" and with that I ended the call.
And we were off to the party!!!
When we arrived I called Al to buzz us threw so we could get up to the apartment, him and his friends all lived in. It was pretty big, I might say.

As soon as we walked through the doors we headed to the kitchen to get a drink.
"Ahh their she is " I turned around to a smirking al.
"Here I am" I smirked back.
"Well ima go and leave you two to flirt" Alexis said. Making me feel A little embarrassed.

"Finally someone to talk to" al said.
"What do you mean? You have plenty of people to talk to"
"Yeah but none I want to talk to " he said causing me to blush.
"Okay now this is just getting annoying" I rolled my eyes.
"What is?" He asked.
"This"I gestured between him and I.
"Me and you. You say all these right thing.  But it's not going anywhere. Look I'm don't being played here" I said and walked away.
Soon to have someone grab my arm. I turned around to find al.
Next thing I know. He was pulling me into his room.
"Look. I'm not playing you" he said.
"It sure seems like it" I simply said.
"God you show up looks so fine as you always do and all I want so something more" he said
"I've always wanted something more. All the late night conversations from this past month. But I didn't want to ruin things." He added.

I stood there for a moment not sure what to say and then next thing I know is his lips are on mine.
"Look inviting your to this party. Is just an excuse to see you. To spend time with you. Because god you take my breath away and talking to someone who is so smart and beautiful for once literally grasp my heart." Al said.
"Yeah?" I said bitting my bottom lip.
"Yeah" he nodded his head and gave me a smile.
"All you had to do was ask me out" I told him.
"Vanessa will you go out with me tomorrow night?" He asked.
"Yes I will. You goof" I grabbed him by the shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. He moved each of his hands  on the sides of my cheeks.
"Now. All I wanna do it be alone with me. Actually talk to you" he told me.
"My place?" I suggested.
"Sure" he smiled.
And so I gave Alexis the keys to the car and we went in his car back to my place.
The rest of the night we sat in the living room and watched tv as we talked. Until we fell asleep.

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