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Winter break was coming up and I was currently getting ready to head back to LA for it. It was about four days away, currently 6 am about to head to the airport to get on a plane.
"Ugh, I love you. Please be safe. Let me know when you land" Alexis gave me a big hug.
"Of course I will." I gave her a big hug back. Alexis was gonna meet me in LA in four days. I was heading out early since I had my exams either already done or the rest online so I didn't need to be here anymore.
"I love you" I told her, as I waved her goodbye as she was closing the door behind me.
I got in the car down stairs and was on my way.

Hey, I'm on my way. Can't wait to see you ❤️

Okay, I love you💗 see you soon 😘
And then I was on my way home.
I couldn't wait to see everyone.

I slept for most of my plane ride. And when I stepped off the plane feeling the LA weather I couldn't be happier. This cold is nothing compared to New York. But I'm adjusting to it.
As I stepped off the plane there was a car waiting for me already.
"Can we stop at a few stores before you take me home ?" I asked the driver. " of course " he replied.
So I picked up some things on my way home. To be secreted about it. Since it was a surprise that I was home early I sent the driver in for the things needed.

Once that was all done I was dropped off at home and my mom was out doing her business so I was home alone. So I went upstairs and put my stuff down then started to make some food. And then I started on my little craft that I was gonna make.
In between cooking I was able to finish my craft.
I looked at the time and it was 4:45pm. "Shit" I whispered to myself and ran up stair to go shower and change.
I just changed into a one of Jakes sweaters and a black pear of leggings. I kept my hair down and natural. And did very very little make up. I threw on white high top vans and then put everything in my car.

"Hi, my love" jakes mom gave me a big hug.
"Hi" I smiled and gave her one back.
" thank you so much" I added.
"Oh course sweetie. He will love this. He's been missing you" she said as she helped me carry things in. Jakes mom was about to take off on a short business trip for the next four days before her holiday break. And I was about to surprise Jake with his favorite homemade lasagna and some cute things I made.
"I've missed him too" I told her.
" you know ever since you guys were little I would only hope you guys would be together one day" she told me.
"Really?" I asked her shocked.
"Yes, really" she laughed.
"You guys were always inseparable. As you guys got older and stayed just as close. I'd always hoped you guys would be together. I always knew If that was to ever happen. That you guys would be like the epic love story and it would be forever just with home deeply you guys go to the depths of the earth for each-other. You would be the best thing to ever happen to him. I wouldn't have trusted his heart with anyone else. All those other girls. Were never it
And I could tell. They wanted him for what he showed himself as. You wanted him for everything he was. And I have never seen him so happy."
"Oh my god. Thank you. I do love your son more than anything and he's always been my world. The best thing to happen to me" I told her.
"I know. I always saw it in your eyes" she told me.
"Oh crap, I'm sorry I better get going. Tell jack I love him." She added.
"Of course. Have a safe flight and I'm sure he'd love it if you texted him when you landed so he knows you got there safe. I would love it too" I gave her a hug. "Of course" she gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Then headed out.

I put the lasagna in the oven to heat it up and then put the crafts in his room. It was currently 6:15pm so he should be home with in the next 10 minutes from baseball practice.

I sat down on the counter and just played game until I heard the front door unlocking.
"Mom?" He yelled out. And I stayed quite.
I heard his foot steps getting closer.
"SUPRISE!" I yelled as he turned the corner and I hopped off the counter. "Vanessa!" He said with a big smile of his face. "Ugh I've missed you" he picked me up and gave me the biggest hug. Nuzzling his head in my neck.
"You weren't suppose to be in for a few more days ?!" He said. "Yes I know but I didn't really have reason to stay in New York longer. So I decided to surprise you"
"This is the best surprise. Thank you baby. I love you" he cupped my face and gave me a kiss.
" I love you too. Now the food is almost done so why don't you got take a shower and change. Also your mom left on her trip already"
"Okay I will. And oh okay. I knew she was leaving today just wasn't sure what time"
"She left right when I got here kinda"
"So you got to see her" he smiled.
"Yes I did " I smiled back.
"That's good. She won't admit it but she's missed you too. She was always bugging me about you" he chuckled.
"Well I missed her too" I gave him a peck on the cheek and then he went upstairs to go take a shower.
I took out plates and dishes out our dinner.

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