"Thank you so much."

"Anything for Genevieve's daughter." Andromeda said, hugging Emilia.

"Emma, why don't you ask Marcel to witness?" Noemi asked.

"Marcel? The vampire? The one that hated witches?"

"Who's Marcel?" Embry asked, more confused than ever.

"He's an old vampire. He was changed by one of the original vampires, the Mikaelsons." Emilia informed him.

"I thought the Volturi were the oldest vampires."

Mirabelle laughed, shaking her head. "The Volturi fancy themselves as the head of the species but everyone knows that the Mikaelsons are the most powerful. If you had Marcel on your side, Aro wouldn't dare cross you. He knows that the Mikaelsons will destroy his empire without a thought."

"Why don't the Mikaelsons stop the Volturi then?"

Emilia and Noemi shrugged. "They don't care as long as Aro doesn't overstep his boundaries."

"So where does this Marcel guy live?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Why would Marcel help us?" Emilia stood, beginning to pace.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe because he has a soft spot for you. You're like his little sister."

Emilia glared at Noemi who just smirked in response. "If you ask, he'll agree."

"Emma, if Marcel is cool with you, why don't we ask?"

"I don't know, Em. I don't want the Mikaelsons involved. From what Marcel told me, they are rather confrontational."

"But it's not the Mikaelsons. It's Marcel." Andromeda piped up.

"Fine, we'll ask. You'll head to Forks?"

"Tomorrow night. For today, we pack and you go ask Marcel."

Emilia pulled Embry up, heading to the French Quarter. They went to Marcel's home, where sure enough, they were feeding.

Embry cringed as he saw the amount of blood being shed, a vampire smiling once he noticed the couple.

"Emilia Marseille. Welcome back. Marcel will be happy to see you." Embry tightened his grip around Emilia as the vampire eyed her.

Emilia rolled her eyes. "Where is Marcel, Marcus?"

He pointed upwards, Embry's eyes landing on a tall man surveying the room.

Marcel locked eyes with Emilia, a smile growing on his face. He motioned for her to come up, Emilia pulling Embry through the crowd.

"Stick by me." She muttered as they made it up to where Marcel waited.

"Emilia! Back so soon?"

"Hey Marcel. This is my boyfriend, Embry."

Marcel looked over Embry, nodding slightly. "So you're the famous Embry Call? Nice to meet you, man."

"Nice to meet you too. Although, Emilia never told me about you."

Marcel laughed as Emilia blushed. "Figures. Anyways, what're you two doing in the crescent city?"

"That is business that should be discussed in private." Emilia said, Marcel nodding. He motioned to the door behind him, opening it for the couple to head inside.

He snapped his fingers, two vampires standing outside the door before it closed. Marcel sat down behind the desk in the room, Emilia and Embry sitting before it.

"Well Rival, what do you need?"

"Rival?" Embry looked between Emilia and Marcel, confused.

"It's the meaning of the name Emilia. Emilia derives from the latin word aemulus which means rival." Marcel explained.

"Your name, Embry, means flat topped hill and originates from an English surname."

"There's something you don't learn every day." Emilia muttered as Embry's eyes widened.

"How do you even know all that?"

Marcel laughed. "I do my research."

"Moving on from names and their meaning, we have something important to discuss." Emilia cut in, both males turning to her.

"We need your help, Marcel."

"With what?"

"The Volturi was told that my adoptive family, The Cullen's, created an immortal child. The accusation is false. They are coming with an army to kill so we are building an army of witnesses to show that the child in question is not immortal."

Marcel nodded. "You want me to witness?"

"It would be ideal, yes."

Marcel clasped his hands, leaning back in his seat. "Do you even have to ask? Of course I'll help. Hell, I'll kill Aro myself if necessary. I'm an original now, remember? I can take his ass down in my sleep."

The couple laughed as Marcel stood. "So, when do you want me in Washington?"

"As soon as you can go."

"I'll be there, rival. Don't worry."

Marcel and Emilia hugged before Embry and Marcel shook hands. He escorted them out, Embry letting out a breath as they walked to Emilia's family home.

"Look, I hate vampires but Marcel is cool."

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