"I've made you cookies!" She squeaked in indignation.

"I meant breakfast food." He clarified. Everyone was chuckling into their food as they watched James eat his words.

"What about grandma Molly's?" Al inquired innocently.

"And Hogwarts?" Cassie added.

James was overly flustered. Sputtering for a few moments before the table could no longer contain their laughter. They burst forward in joyful bouts.

"I hate you all." James muttered.

"No you don't. I fed you." Cassie responded smartly.

"Food is the key to his heart." Rose nodded matter of factly.

"Oi! Not you too Rosie. Merlin, is today take the mickey out of James day?"

"No that was the the 18th." Lily reminded James of the day they all came home for the Holidays.

"Then why are you so mean to me?" He whined.

"You did wake them all up." Cassie said.

"Al helped." He defended. Teddy nodded at James.

"True." He turned to face Al. "So Al I notice you don't have a girlfriend yet, will you ever have one." Al's mouth fell open wide. Everyone was guffawing as Al spluttered out a response.

"W-what?" He desperately attempted to change the subject back to James by pointing an accusing finger towards him and saying "Neither does he." James glared at Al.

"Yeah, but he has Cassie." Lily pointed out. "She's much better." The others murmured their agreement.

"Anyone who can cook this good is awesome." Teddy spoke as he held a piece of toast and waved it back and forth, gesturing at all the food.

"You have no excuses Al, there isn't a single girl in your life." James grinned maniacally.

After breakfast was finished and cleaned up, the group seated themselves in the living room. The Potters, Ron, Hermione and their children always exchanged gifts before the rest of the family came together. Each direct family would open gifts at home alone and then would open their pile at the house they were collecting at later. Gift giving and receiving was an art in the large Weasley family.

Lily and Hugo had already begun opening their piles of presents. James and Al were ripping into their own piles soon after. Rose unwrapped her gifts calmly, folding the paper back up after she'd taken it off the gift. Scorpius had a small pile of gifts that his dad had sent him as well as presents from Harry and Ginny, Al, Rose, Lily, and Cassie. Cassie watched the adults open their presents, chatting and acting just as goofy as their children were.

"Aren't you going to open yours?" James asked her and she nodded at him, smiling.

"Yeah, which is my pile?" Cassie didn't expect many gifts. Maybe a few from her dad, one from James, Layla and Hannah, but not much more. James motioned to a pile that was much larger than she'd expected. She pulled the pile towards her and began opening.

Her dad had sent her a new broomstick and some new clothes. The broomstick was an unreleased model, but considering who her dad was it was fairly easy for him to pull a few strings. Her Aunt Gwenog had sent her a book called; The Best Quidditch Plays In History, something Cassie was looking forward to reading. Layla and Hannah had chipped in to buy her a pair of boots she'd expressed interest in when shopping with them once. Al and Scorp gave her chocolate frogs and other candies, Fred sent Zonkos products, Lily had baked her cookies and put them in a clear bag that was tied with ribbon, other friends from school had sent her candies and small trinkets. She was surprised when all her presents were open and she didn't have one from James.

"Don't think I forgot you." James voice was soft and close to her. In his hands was a small velvet box, he handed it over to her. Cassie lifted the lid off the box. A small note rested on top of the gift.

Cassie -

Happy Christmas and all that. I'm no good at gift giving, but I've heard girls like jewelry. Of course I couldn't get you any random necklace or bracelet… when I saw this though, it just screamed Cassie.

- James

Cassie removed the note and beneath was a silver necklace. Hanging from it was a silver snake with sapphire blue eyes, wrapped around the golden snitch. She smiled at the silver piece of jewelry.

"This is ridiculously sweet." She told James. He shrugged nonchalantly, but looked incredibly relieved. He offered to clasp the necklace around her neck. The others watched as she held up her hair and allowed him to. "Thank you."

Her fingers traced the snake and she turned to face him. He shrugged again.

"No big deal." Al scoffed and Lily covered a giggle at their brother's words.

It was no secret that James was crap at gift giving. He'd given Teddy a tea cozy one year and his mother had received motor oil for one of her birthdays. He had attempted to defend himself claiming that he'd thought motor oil helped clean thing. This was the first time he'd picked out a meaningful gift.

"Woah! No way!" Lily had let out the shriek and jumped to her feet. "It's the new Halle Griffiths book!" She held the book aloft in the air, surveying it with awe.

"I noticed you had all the others." Cassie laughed at Lily's expression.

"It isn't even out yet!" Lily squeaked.

"It's not a big deal. My mother is friends with her and I dated her son for a bit." Lily hopped from foot to foot and then sprang forward, hugging Cassie hard. The next excited squeal came from Rose who also held a book aloft.

"It's signed!" Cassie nodded.

"It's a bit of a regift. I already read it and thought you might like it. It's the original edition with added annotations from the author." Rose grinned and thanked Cassie with a wide grin.

"Me next!" Al yelped, searching for his gift from Cassie. Hugo, Scorpius, James and Teddy searched for theirs as well in an excited panic. They shuffled through the ripped paper and leftover wrappings quickly. Scorpius and Al found theirs at the same time and began ripping them open excitedly.

"Merlin!" They both shouted. Scorpius had a new broom as his had been acting up lately. Al held two tickets to see his favorite wizard band, the Screaming Banshees, in concert.

"I have to admit Scorp, that's more of a gift to me, I want you at your best for games." Both boys sprinted outside to test out Scorpius' new broom. Cassie even allowed Al to take out her old broom so they could race.

She'd gotten each of the adults and Teddy gifts that were equally meaningful as the others had been. Cassie was good at noticing small details about people and gift giving was one of her fortes.

James opened his gift, it contained three items. The first a card that he read with a smile. The next caused him to let out a girly squeal. It was a Gwenog Jones poster that had been signed. The last item made his mouth fall open. It was a Puddlemere United jersey with Oliver Wood's number and name on the back. That wasn't the best part though, the whole jersey was covered in signatures from the whole team.

"Bloody hell." He muttered in shock.

"Language James." Ginny half-heartedly chided. She was too excited for her son herself to actually reprimand him.

"Sorry mum." He managed to choke out. He turned to Cassie in amazement. "You're bloody amazing! How did you-" James found himself unable to finish his sentence.

"So you like it then?" Cassie giggled as James yanked her in for a huge hug.

Click, FLASH!

Neither noticed as Hermione snapped a picture with her new camera.

"I love it! I'm going to go put it on right now." He sped away from the room to change. The other's followed his lead, remembering that they were still in their pyjamas.

Hermione gave everyone a reminder to change quickly as the rest of the family could be arriving at any moment. Ginny cursed in remembrance and threw her clothes on quickly to help Harry start food preparations.

It was 7:36 on Christmas morning and the Potter household was dressed and awaiting the many guests that were soon to join them.

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