Chapter 42: Daisy

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When Nato returned to Quorias, I couldn't have squeezed her harder than if we were seeing each other after years apart. I was so terrified of the chance that she wouldn't stand a chance against Azzuran, but I shouldn't have been. She survived a fight with one Archdemon, and I wasn't surprised when she survived a fight with another, especially with another Guardian like her on her side. I was thrilled to finally meet the boy Nato had traveled all the way from Roah to meet, who did not look like what I thought he would. Finn was shorter than me, similar to Nato's height, but when Nato told me that he had white hair, I expected it to be somewhere between a gray and white color, almost similar to ash. Finn's hair was as white as the snow that the Last Winter brought. He was either born with his hair that color, or he lost it as the result of a disease early in his life. I wasn't aura-sensitive, but I could tell that Finn and Eris looked very similar to each other. He was her son! I had wondered what connected him to Nato as much as either of them did, and I had a good idea, now.

"Fate?" I suggested, to them both. "Destiny? Do either of you believe in those things?"

"It's been one of the things I'd been wondering," Nato admitted. "I had always been taught that everything happens for a reason, that everyone has their own path in life."

"Well, that's definitely one way of looking at it," said Finn.

"Eris says I do have Ilentia blood," Nato added.

"Which isn't too hard to believe," I backed. "I have seen you fight, Nato. You're not a normal Guardian."

"Yeah, I noticed you weren't using an aura blade in Azzuran's fortress," Finn recalled. "Why's that?"

"Well, aura blades reflect the place a Guardian sees as home," Nato reminded. "The place I'm from, no one uses weapons. Or if they do, I've never seen them."

"Where are you from?" asked Finn.

"Qonghai," Nato answered. "It's a monastery in Yeiwyn. We believe that the only weapons we needed were our minds and bodies. Not to say that anyone who does use weapons is overdoing anything."

"So, you went from a Monk to a Guardian?" said Finn.

"When a family gives their child to Qonghai, they're raised as a disciple of a certain master, who trains them to grow and harness their power," Nato enlightened. "And they usually change their name to the name of a great warrior from history. Once the initial training is complete, they have the choice to be released to their families or out into the world, or stay and further their training and pass on what they've learned. I chose to leave and become a Guardian, but my life at Qonghai is far from behind me."

"I can tell," I understood. "Reminds me of the Tower of Magi, honestly."

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and quickly looked back to see Florian's hand touching me.

"A word in private, Miss Daisy?" he requested.

"Sure," I accepted. I stood from my chair as Florian led me to the corner of the throne hall, where a young Huntsman, around my age, was standing. He wore a dark cuirass made from leather, and had a sword sheathed in a scabbard on his back that seemed like it had a trigger below the guard, and a dial that could set the blade to flame, frost, and storm enchantments. On his leather shoulder pad was the sigil of Illondas' banner. I had heard that Huntsmen and Huntresses were monster hunters for hire, paid by the person who needed a monster slain, but this Huntsman was standing in Queen Marie's throne room, with her country's flag embroidered on his outfit. He wasn't only loyal to money.

"Daisy," said Florian, placing a hand on the young Huntsman's shoulder. "This is Marcellus Meridius."

"Everyone calls me 'Marcel'," the Huntsman greeted, offering his hand. I extended my arm to shake his hand.

"I'm Daisy," I said, smiling. "Everyone calls me... 'Daisy'."

"It has come to my attention that there is a target on your back," Florian blurted. "And the one aiming at it is the Inquisition."

My skin turned as white as Finn's hair. How could he have known I was a rogue Mage? I cleared my holstered wand, and I saw both Florian and Marcel's eyes look down to it.

"I wasn't brought here to kill you," Marcel promised. "Or turn you over to them."

"Marcel is a Huntsman under the employ of Queen Marie," Florian enlightened. "You did not see him in the battle because he is meant to slay monsters, not soldiers."

"That doesn't mean I won't act when someone's in danger," said Marcel. "Queen Marie has placed you under my protection from the Inquisition as thanks for your efforts in defending her people. I have a house that can be warded against magic so nothing the Inquisition has can detect you, and I have weapons in every possible place they can be hidden. You'll be safe there, and hidden from the Inquisition, or anyone else who could be looking for you."

This was almost too good to be true! I was under the protection of a Queen! I wouldn't have to hide in a village, looking over my shoulder every time I felt like I was in danger, anymore. I could have a normal life, staying in one place instead of leaving where I was constantly. I couldn't pass this offer up. This was my chance for a fresh start!

"You're both really doing this for me?" I asked.

"I've always doubted every reason the Inquisition has come up with for hunting down Mages," Florian answered. "But your actions in defending this city have proven that you are not a threat to Zenartha. For another reward, your efforts have earned you the title of an honorary citizen of Illondas. Congratulations, Daisy of Red Harbor."

I couldn't have been more relieved by what Florian and Marcel were doing for me. I was a stranger to them, and they were risking death at the hands of the Inquisition for me. I wouldn't give the impression that I didn't appreciate their offer.

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you both."

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