Chapter 36: Eris

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The new armor from Turmeon's forge had a set of lightwings that I could use to fly incredibly long distances, and I was flying to Quorias in order to help Finn and Haemon in the impending battle against the army of Camnora. Me and... Anzulminar. Nothing else could have annoyed me more than having to carry him by the back collar of his suit. I didn't hate him with my deepest passion, but I had absolutely no love in my heart for him. I couldn't after what happened between us, concerning Haemon. After he was born, during the Dragon War, he had the genius idea of trying to use him as bait for an enemy patrol in order to kill them. I had no idea of that strategy, and was barely able to save Haemon when Anzulminar's plan went horribly wrong, and I made sure he was as far away from his father as possible. I hoped Haemon wouldn't remember such a terrible thing, having only been a few days old, but when he could talk, he described every single thing that happened. The memory of that had scarred his mind ever since, and I did my best to keep him away from Anzulminar. Now, though, I was bringing him right to him, and Finn.

"So, you're awfully quiet," Anzulminar blurted.

"I have nothing to say to you," I hissed.

"But you have somewhere to go with me, apparently," said Anzluminar.

"I'm not doing this for your sake," I reminded.

"Neither am I."

As much tension as there was between us, I still knew Anzulminar cared about Haemon. I didn't know how he felt about Finn, but I honestly could have cared less. Still, Anzulminar's love for our son redeemed himself in my eyes, but just a tiny bit. Haemon understandably didn't return that love, but Anzulminar still felt for him nevertheless.

"Just so you know, Eris, I'm not who I was before we split up," he said.

I wondered whether or not that was true. I didn't sense any deceit from him, but that didn't mean he really had changed. Anzulminar could very well have deluded himself into believing he had changed in an attempt to win me back. I wouldn't hear it.

"I'm sure you aren't," I sighed.

"I just..."

"One more word, and I'll drop you," I warned.

He stayed silent after that, until I saw city walls in the distance, with a giant breach. I began to sense Haemon's aura, along with another one, but not nearly as powerful. I had no idea how Haemon would react to suddenly seeing his father again after what I suspected was at least several centuries, and I wouldn't force that on him so bluntly. I would have to explain who I had with me, first. I dropped Anzulminar.

"Eriiiiiiiis!" he cried, as he fell through the air. I chuckled at hearing him scream, until I landed at the breach in Quorias' wall, fading my lightwings as my feet touched the ground. Haemon was laughing while he was talking with a Silver Hawk, and two Mages. One white-robed and old, and one crimson-robed and young, with blonde, curly hair.

"Mom!" Haemon shouted, and he flew into my arms with his propulsion boots. I embraced him as tightly as I could, but I had to pull him off of me, holding him above the ground by both of his shoulders to explain what was going on.

"Haemon, I need you to listen," I warned. I frantically thought about what to say, even as Haemon's little, green eyes stared into mine. I couldn't imagine how he would react to a slow explanation or a blunt one, but I knew him for a strong child. However I explained this whole thing with his father to him, he had been told much worse things in his ten thousand years alive.

"I brought your father along with me," I informed. Haemon's eyes widened, and his eyebrows raised. I saw the Silver Hawk and both Mages look to each other with the same looks of shock.

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