Chapter 32: Connor

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Eris' spear was stabbed into the floor of the battlement with a note pinned to the bricks with its spearhead.

"I'm going to Illondas to help Finn and Haemon. Both of you stay here, just in case Artoreus returns with his army."

I wanted to rush to Illondas to go and help Finn with her, but in case Artoreus did return to Eitheim, Ruth and I did need to stay here. I still hadn't had the chance to even have a proper conversation with Finn ever since he came back to Valedon, but that didn't mean we still weren't friends. I did wonder why Finn would need Eris' help, though.

"What do you think Finn's about to get himself into?" Ruth wondered.

"I think I have a good idea," I answered. "Remember what Eris said about the Seven? How Finn probably can't fight against any of the Archdemons by himself?"

"So, you think they're going after an Archdemon?" asked Ruth.

"It's possible," I guessed. "But I don't know."

"How do you think Eris plans to kill one without her weapon?" Ruth wondered.

"She's Eris," I reminded. "I'm sure she can handle it."

Suddenly, my holo device began to vibrate, and I answered it, seeing Commander Jonas' image projected above it.

"Oh," I gasped. "Hello, Commander."

"Captain Brown, Captain Hemsworth," Commander Jonas greeted. "Something's come up. I need you both to go to Magrenshire and explore the Palace of Light and the Guardian's Point."

"Woah," Ruth whispered. "The capital?"

"What's this thing that's come up, sir?" I asked.

"Something connected to Chardan's deceased King," Commander Jonas answered. "Major Lawrence saw something that... well, shocked us."

"That's never good," said Ruth. "What should we look for?"

"We aren't entirely clear on that," the Commander admitted. "But it's far too risky to go and ignore. All we can tell is that there was something going on between the Dark One and the King."

"'Something going on', sir?" asked Ruth. We both looked to each other with one of our eyebrows raised.

"Let me rephrase that," Commander Jonas halted. "Something may have happened to the King that may have involved the Dark One. I need the two of you to find out what that is."

"Yes, sir," Ruth and I said, in unison.

"Good luck to you both," Commander Jonas wished, then his hologram disappeared.

King Daen was kind enough to give us a dropship to fly us to Magrenshire. Even from several miles away, we both sensed the immense darkness hanging over the ruins of Chardan's ancient capital. As we flew over its walls, we looked down and could see the streets crawling with Lost. I could see the Guardian's Point, the very first outpost of the Guardians of Zenartha, in the distance, and I knew that the Palace of Light would be in the center of the city.

"So, which one of us is going where?" I wondered.

"You want to split up?" asked Ruth. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"It could go a lot quicker than if we went together," I answered. "But if you want to go to both places together..."

"No, you're right," Ruth understood. "Where should we meet?"

"Why don't we just call the dropship to pick us up once we've found out whatever we can?" I suggested. "I'll take the Point."

"I wanted to go to the Point," Ruth whined. "But okay."

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