Chapter 26: Nato

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Daisy finally woke up from sleeping for half the day, but it was nighttime by the time her eyes opened.

"Finally awake, I see," I jested.

"What time is it?" Daisy groaned.

"Ten," I answered.

"What!?" Daisy screamed. "It was ten when I went to sleep!"

"Ten in the morning," I enlightened. "Right now is ten in the evening."

Daisy tossed her head back, her entire body bouncing off the mattress of the bed she was sitting on.

"I should get more sleep, shouldn't I?" she asked.

"Not a bad idea," I agreed. "It's not good to go to sleep early. It'll mess up your sleep schedule. The last thing you want is to fall asleep in a fight. Especially a fight with the Inquisition."

"Funny," Daisy hissed.

"I wasn't joking," I promised. "How's your song coming?"

"Honestly, not very good," Daisy admitted. "Nothing seems to... sound right."

"How so?" I asked.


Daisy reached down below her bed to pick up one of the crumpled music sheets. She unfolded it, then rubbed it down to allow herself to read it clearly. She then took her violin and its bow out of their case and began to play. I listened to the music Daisy played, and noticed the expression on her face. She hated it, but I personally thought it was as beautiful as everything else she played. It didn't seem like she was halfway through it before she closed her eyes and set her instrument down. Daisy held her sheet up in her left hand, then took out her wand with her right and raised it to the sheet, with its crystals touching the corner.

"Fierno," she whispered. A flame ignited from the wand, and the entire sheet turned to ash.

"I liked it," I complimented.

"It's... missing something," said Daisy. "They're all missing something."

"Well, what are they about?" I wondered. "What do you want to write about?"

"Oh," Daisy whispered. "I guess I never really thought of that. You're saying I need a story?"

"I think it would help," I enlightened. "A story would add meaning to why you're making those noises with that instrument. I don't know anything about music, but I know that it means nothing without a reason for it to be played."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door to our cabin.

"Open the door this instant!" a man's voice shouted.

"Fuera," Daisy whispered, waving her wand. The door opened with a pull of force from her magic, and two men with assault rifles burst in. Neither of us flinched at the sight. We were used to having guns in our faces.

"Good evening," I greeted.

"The Captain is demanding every passenger on board to gather on the upper deck," one of the security guards announced.

"Tell our dear Captain that we've had a long day and we're tired," Daisy dismissed. "We'll see him in the morning."

Both guards pulled the bolts of their rifles back and pushed them forward to cock them, then pointed their weapons at me and Daisy.

"Daisy, I don't think it was a request," I warned. "Let's just go."

Daisy rolled her eyes, then rose to her feet, and I stood with her. The guards escorted us to the deck of the ship, where a crowd of a dozen passengers was gathered, with the Captain standing in front of them, and armed security guards around them. Daisy and I were placed next to Lyrandrar, who had his sword taken away. He could easily get it back, but if he willingly gave it up, he must have known that something was seriously wrong.

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