Chapter 22: Morgan

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We stayed positioned in our street until noon, in case the attacking Camnorish army decided to return, or more demons attacked from underground. Maddy was constantly flying in circles above Bastion to see if she would sense anything coming from any direction. I hadn't heard anything from her for some time, so there must not have been anything wrong. I at least hoped nothing was wrong. Suddenly, my holo device vibrated, and when I answered it, a projection of Commander Jonas appeared hovering above it.

"Oh," I gasped. "Hello, sir."

"Captain," the Commander greeted. "I have grave news."

"Did something bad happen, sir?" I wondered. Penny, John, and Zephyr gathered around me to listen to what Commander Jonas was saying.

"Not exactly," the Commander answered. "But something bad would have happened were it not for Queen Marie."

"That's Illondas' Queen," said Zephyr. My blood went completely cold. Finn must have made it to Illondas by now, with Haemon flying him there.

"Is Finn in danger?" I asked.

"Not yet," Commander Jonas promised. "But your father seems keen on arresting him for the deaths of those men in Dormanine. He just went to Illondas himself and demanded that Queen Marie turn him over."

"He did what!?" I shouted.

"You heard me right, Captain Faye," said Commander Jonas. "That's why I need you back in Valedon as soon as possible. Connor's already here, as well."

"Wow, we're really going to make a point to him to not kill our friend, are we?" I asked.

"That is our intention," the Commander confirmed. "Come here as soon as you can."

"Should my team come with me?" I wondered.

"No, they're needed in Bastion," Commander Jonas denied.

"Yes, sir," I acknowledged. "Zephyr, you're in charge until I get back."

"Yes, ma'am," said Zephyr.

"I'll be right there, Commander," I promised, and I ended the call.

"I guess the alleged rebellion in Valedon is getting a bit heated," Penny blurted. "How bad do you think it'll get?"

I didn't have an answer to that question, and I didn't want an answer to that question. If a rebellion ignited in Chardan, even with the damage that's been done to it, then what was left of the country would be completely destroyed. Chardan was my home, and my friends' home. If a war with itself happened, nothing good would come of it. For now, though, my focus was Bastion. When I returned here, at least.

"Maddy?" I said, through my radio. "Can you fly me to Valedon really quick?"

"Of course," Maddy responded. "I will transport you there at my top speed."

"Thank you," I said, and I cut the transmission. Maddy eventually landed next to me, then wrapped her arms under my arms before taking off again.

"May I ask the reason for your visit to Valedon?" Maddy wondered, as Bastion shrank behind us.

"Well," I began. "You know how I told you about my friend before you left Valedon?"

"Finn MacHilles?" asked Maddy. "Of course. He is a Guardian of exceptional skill, with hundreds of demons dead at his hand. Unfortunately, my database says that seven men have been killed by him."

"My father wants him dead," I continued. "As far as everyone's concerned, he attacked those people in Dormanine unprovoked."

"Yes," Maddy understood. "The evidence from the Military Police report suggests that the people Finn killed were unarmed and not attacking him, but there seems to be conflicting evidence, at least the way I see it."

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