Chapter 23: Connor

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"I don't appreciate someone trying to kill another Guardian based on nothing other than an alleged crime, Lord Thatch," Commander Jonas growled. "Especially without informing me about it."

"I did not try to kill Captain MacHilles," Dad denied. "I went to Illondas to arrest him."

"Yes, which would lead to him being executed," I blurted out. "He's never done anything he hasn't had to do!"

"People are still dead, Connor," Dad reminded.

"You don't know everything that happened," Morgan hissed.

"I know enough to know that Finn is either a threat or a victim, and I must assume the former before more innocent people are dead by his hand," Dad lectured.

"Oh, don't give us that shit," I dismissed. "You think he's a threat!?"

"What would you have me do, then?" Dad wondered.

"How about leaving him alone and focusing on those people outside?" Morgan suggested. "Something's made them angry, and it's not because of Finn."

"Actually, it's exactly because Finn has not been brought to face justice," Dad corrected.

"No," Morgan denied. "No, it's not."

"How would you...?"

"The odds that a fugitive slipping through your grasp to escape facing the consequences of his actions being the reason for a revolt are nearly impossible," Maddy concluded. "A protest is a more likely outcome."

"That's not a protest, Dad," I warned. "They just killed one of your soldiers. It's not Finn they want dead, it's you! At least tell me you can see that! Please?"

"And what have I done to warrant a revolt?" asked Dad.

"I believe it has less to do with your father, Connor, and more to do with the state of Chardan as a whole," Maddy guessed. "Ever since the death of the King and Queen, the country has been divided, with no central ruler to unify it. It is my belief that the people are demanding a stronger ruler to believe in, and in turn, will protect them against the Camnorish invasion."

"Well, I don't think Heinrich will be a problem for much longer," I guessed. "Your brother showed up and pretty much destroyed the entire army attacking Eitheim."

"I did the same for Bastion," said Maddy. "Either way, Lord Thatch, it is likely that the people outside want a new government, and for the old one, the one they believe couldn't protect them, to be done away with."

"Think of the timing, my lord," Commander Jonas blurted. "Finn becomes wanted as a murderer, a foreign invasion, and a rising insurgency? All within weeks of one another? We all know the Dark One is the mastermind behind this, and he plans to destroy Chardan from the inside and outside, starting with Valedon. You were right about one thing, however. Captain MacHilles is a threat, but to the Abyss, not to Zenartha. Out of all of us, he is this world's greatest defender. You would do the Dark One's work for him by proceeding with what you are doing."

"Do you want that?" I asked. "For your own ignorance to destroy your home? Your children's home? To kill the people you've sworn to govern, to protect?"

Dad hung his head and sighed with defeat. I knew the look. That was the look he had when he knew he wouldn't win an argument with me. Morgan, Commander Jonas, and I were right, and he knew it.

"That's not what I want," he admitted. "You're all right. I'll leave Finn alone."

"Thank you," I sighed. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Dad, patting him on the back. I then stepped back to allow Morgan the same.

"Thank you very much, my lord," said Commander Jonas. "Captain Faye, Captain Brown, good luck out there."

He walked off, leaving Dad's office.

"I almost played right into the Dark One's hands," Dad sighed. "It's a good thing you all stopped me."

"As a Valkyrie, one of my duties is to defend the innocent from darkness," Maddy reminded. "And defend anyone else who defends the innocent from darkness. To an extent, Lord Thatch, that includes you. As for your children, they only wish to see their father safe from harm."

"You're definitely right about that," I agreed.

"Well, I should get back to Bastion," said Morgan, releasing Dad. "Can you give me a ride back, Maddy?"

"Of course!" Maddy chirped.

"Thank you," said Morgan. "Bye, Dad."

"Goodbye, Morgan," said Dad. "Be careful."

Morgan went through the sliding door to the balcony with Maddy, then Maddy wrapped her arms around her, and flew into the air while still holding onto her.

"I should return to Eitheim," I suggested. "Tell Eris you've let her son off the hook."

"She's definitely the last woman I would want to mess with," Dad agreed. "Especially if she is what rumors say she is."

"Rumors?" I asked. "About Finn's mother? I know she's an Ilentia warrior, the daughter of Diomeus and Vanessa. Artoreus hates her because she killed him, the rest of the Seven, and the Dark One."

"Well, we already knew that," Dad reminded. "But there are rumors that she's done things far worse than most others have when she was younger."

"I'm sure those things aren't worse than anything anyone else has done," I guessed. "Kind of like Finn. We don't know everything, do we?"

"No, we don't," Dad agreed. "I would have jumped to my own conclusion about what happened in Dormanine if not for you and Morgan. I won't make the same mistake with his mother."

"Yeah, that would be anyone's last mistake," I chuckled. "Before I go, Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Dad allowed.

"Who was my mother?" I wondered. Since Morgan's mother was a hairdresser, I couldn't imagine that mine was any different, but the look I saw on Dad's face told me otherwise. It was that same look with his eyes lowered and his head hanging. He wished I didn't ask about my mother.

"Perhaps you should take a seat, Connor," he suggested, gesturing to a chair in front of his desk. I didn't know whether or not what he was about to tell me would sadden me or frighten me, but I sat in the chair, anyway, while Dad sat in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"Connor, your mother," Dad began. "Was a Huntress."

"Woah," I whispered.

"I met her a few years before the war ended," he continued. "She was skilled at what she did, ruthless, fearless, and beautiful. I couldn't imagine myself falling for someone who killed monsters for money instead of the protection of the people, but she was actually different. She did do it for the protection of the people. This was when I would rush into battle with my soldiers, including her. She saved my life, then I saved hers, and that more or less continued. It was though destiny thought we should be together. We married the year before the war ended, and you were born a few weeks before the war was officially declared over. Unfortunately, Huntresses don't get very much time for maternity leave, especially after a war, so when duty called, she answered. She always answered, and came back alive, to us. Until she didn't. One day, she went off to fight some horrible nightmare, and didn't return. That's why she never left home without telling me she loved me. The last thing she told me was that she loved us both, Connor. Treasure what you and Ruth have together. There is no other feeling like having true love for someone you care about."

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