Chapter 27: Daisy

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"I'm not saying a damn word until you release Nato," I hissed, to the Captain of our ship.

"Then I'll consider you a suspect and throw you in the brig with her," the Captain warned.

"You can sure as hell try!" I challenged, jumping from my seat and pushing the chair back. The guards beside the Captain both raised their assault rifles and trained them on me. I was tempted to take my wand out of its holster, but the guards would open fire before my hand even touched it. Someone was already dead, anyway. I didn't see the need for anyone else to die. It seemed like someone was about to, though. Blood was dripping out of the Captain's nose and eye sockets.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" the Captain demanded.

I pointed to the blood under his nose and eyes, and he rubbed his finger through it. He looked at it just in time for his eyes to roll backward in his head, and for his face to slam onto the table. He was dead.

"Captain!" one of the guards shouted. I drew my wand from its holster as the Captain's body began to shake.

"Stand back," I warned, pointing my wand at the Captain. Suddenly, his body stood upright, and his head was thrown back on his neck. A horrifying, ear-piercing screech came from his mouth as his chest burst open, with his ribcage spreading outward to tear away the flesh of the Captain's torso. Once his chest was completely open, something jumped out of it, landing on the table, drenched in blood. It was a small monster the size of a cat that seemed to have the body of a lizard, but the legs and tail of a lobster, and eight spider-like eyes. I didn't know about monsters like Nato did, but I could easily tell that this was the same monster that killed the old woman. It suddenly jumped towards me, hissing with its pincers in front of it.

"Kaitiga!" I screamed, pointing my wand at it. A bolt of lightning blasted from the tip of the wand, hitting the demon right in the chest, and sending it crashing into the wall in the back of the room. Its legs curled up over its chest, twitching for a few seconds before its body completely froze. Both security guards stood away from the monster's body, still pointing their rifles at it.

"What the hell is that?" one of them shuddered.

"I don't know," I answered. "But I think it's dead. Just in case... Foria."

I waved my wand towards the demon's body, setting it on fire until it turned to ash. If my lightning bolt hadn't killed it, it was surely dead, now.

"I think we found our murderer," I declared.

Suddenly, the door to the room shattered, and Nato came rushing through the doorway with Lyrandrar Valkian, the Silver Hawk that she was thrown in the brig with.

"Daisy, are you alright?" Nato asked hastily.

"I'm fine," I promised. "But our Captain..."

"Oh," Lyrandrar whispered. "I... see."

"What was it?" Nato wondered.

"You would know better than me," I reminded. "But I burned its body."

"Probably for the best," said Lyrandrar. "Guards, I'd like my blade back, please."

One of the security guards was still shaking with dread as he went to the back of the room and pulled the sheathe for a Silver Hawk's katana out of a drawer before throwing it to Lyrandrar, who reached out and caught it with his hand.

"Thank you very much," said Lyrandrar, with a smile. He strapped the sword to his waist before turning to the door to walk out.

"Hey, wait!" Nato called. "I have an idea, but I need to explain something first."

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