Chapter 30: Finn

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I wanted to wait for Nato to arrive so we could fight Azzuran together, but I couldn't. He needed to die before he had the chance to attack Quorias. I continued creeping through the Fire Serpent Canyon, still following the Archdemon's immense aura of darkness. As I made my way further into the canyon, though, I felt a second aura. One that had both darkness and fire surrounding it. It began to grow stronger as I advanced closer to Azzuran's fortress. I was on a ridge below the cliff of the canyon walls. Even with the cover of night, I couldn't think that whatever was in this canyon with me wouldn't be able to spot me while I was out in the open like I was. If this new aura was Fiernoculera, and if he was as enormous as Eiloculera, then I would have to run for my life if I was found by him. My aura was hidden while I had myself cloaked, but I had to have my entire self hidden. Thinking about it now, though, I couldn't just walk up to Azzuran's fortress and hope I wasn't seen. I saw a tunnel up ahead, but I began to sense this aura of darkness and fire growing stronger, still. The ground began to shake as an enormous, flaming serpent came around the wall of the canyon.

"Fiernoculera," I shuddered. The demon's lidless, flaming eyes stared straight at me, as though they peered into my soul, and I ran towards the tunnel as fast as I could. He opened his jaws and lunged at me, and I warped out of his way as he crashed into the side of the canyon. I managed to reach the tunnel, and rushed as far away from the entrance as fast as I could. I saw the serpent's left eye stare at me while he was still on the ground, and I rushed further into the tunnel. I made sure the light from the demon's eye was gone before I stopped. I was safe from Fiernoculera for now. Suddenly, though, I felt something nick the back of my neck.

"Ow!" I whispered.

I reached back to my neck and pulled a small dart out of my skin. I couldn't see it clearly, though, despite it being right in front of me. My vision was blurred and clouded, but I saw that whatever substance was in the dart was gone. It was in my system.

"Oh, no," I groaned. I began to stagger forward as my vision worsened, until my legs gave out, and I collapsed.

I began to hear a woman's voice speaking in the Ancient Tongue. As my eyes slowly opened, I could see the image of a blonde-haired, silver-eyed epsilon woman in a white jacket. A Doctor. She was trembling with terror, holding a small flashlight above my head, pointing it into my eyes.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" she shuddered.

"Are you alright?" I asked. "You aren't holding any of them up."

"Oh, right," the epsilon woman realized.

"Where am I?" I wondered. I looked up, seeing a sigil carved to the ceiling that kept me from using my powers, and when I tried to stand, I couldn't, because I was strapped to a table by my arms, legs, and wrists, with my leather cuirass off. I was only in my dark boxers, and at the mercy of whoever put me here, who may also have been whoever drugged me.

"Shit," I whispered. "Hey, Doctor?"

"Yes, Guardian?"

"Is Azzuran anywhere around here?"

"I don't know either of their names, I'm afraid," the Doctor admitted, still trembling with dread. It was clear to me that she was not here on her own free will. She was a hostage, with someone using leverage against her to keep her where she is.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Before she could answer, a Tuatha walked into the room. One with black skin. An Archdemon.

"Let me guess," I said. "Azzuran?"

"You are quite enlightened, Finn MacHilles," Azzuran answered. "Or should I call you 'Butcher of Dormanine'?"

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