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Smiling not angry at all, I picked up Artemis and put on my lap the way parents might their child. This surprised her as she thought, I might be angry with her still with downcast eyes waiting for a punishment that never came.

Gently touching her chin, lifting her head so we might see eye to eye. I told her that we have been through more in my life than anything else—your one of my best friends, why would I throw that away.

It clicks in her head; she embraces me so hard that she had to be told by my Arachne to loosen up a little that he needs to breathe. My Arachne asks why Artemis, a golem is free-thinking, not thoughtless like her kin.

Artemis, not really knowing, looked at me with this questioning look, wondering the same. Pulling Artemis in a little closer after she moved away when she almost cut my air supply off. Petting Artemis's head, not wanting to be left out, my Arachne moved from my shoulder down to Artemis's lap.

My Arachne started rubbing up against Artemis's manifested hands, Artemis started petting her. With both of them comfortable, I began to tell them that the reason I believe Artemis is free-thinking and acting is she's a superior golem.

That and she's by my side every day never leaving me, my magic might have been leaking into Artemis. It's rare, but she would have been given more magic than she was supposed to have. This does happen in nature, where an object is given life employing magic in the air.

I asked Artemis why she chooses now to manifest herself as it was a power she was given. She tells me that all the ladies in my life were short term till this point, with the way she said it sounded like she was jealous of those ladies.

For whatever reason, Artemis cast her eyes down once more, yet she didn't leave my lap. She just started shifted a little every so often. She tells me in a whisper that she was waiting to work up the confidence to tell me how she felt, then the Arachne sped up the process a little.

Hugging her tightly, I told Artemis that I had loved her for a long time. Even when I couldn't see her, it was the way she always was supportive and reliable in everything that I took upon myself. Petting her head, I kissed her on her forehead.

From both of the ladies in my life, a blush could be seen upon their checks. With this cute and innocent look upon her face, Artemis told me, thanks, Master. Not really sure what to do with these two and the library.

I thought I should deal with the elephant in the room first before the elephant in the jungle. With all of Artemis's shifting on my lap, a slight bulge had developed in my trousers. She just had to have her manifestation sit on my lap.

My Arachne not being aware of my growing erection asked what actually is Artemis currently. Knowing the answer already, I was going to tell her, but Artemis beat me to it, telling her merely the term would be a flesh golem.

At this point, Artemis has to know about my penis poking her in the butt. Not really satisfied with the simple answer, she asks for the complex yet simple answer. Artemis doing it on purpose now liking my hard erection against her ass.

Artemis tells my Arachne that as she knows that she's unlike normal golems, my Arachne nods her head yes. Artemis goes on to tell her that with her being a golem custom made to hunt dangerous creatures.

That she has the power to customize the kind of golems she makes when she uses a charge. That's the reason her manifested flesh golem looks like it does. Looking up from Artemis's lap, my Arachne is jealous of the size of Artemis's breasts.

My Arachne feels it is unfair that she has no breasts, yet this woman was gifted with enlarging hers. She's staring at Artemis's breasts with jealousness and anger. Artemis noticing this aggressiveness by the naughty spider gives the spider a little two-finger smack to the ass.

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