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My Arachne turns around, showing me her rump, telling me that if master wished, he could punish her. The thing was she said it with this underlining pleading tone in her voice. It seems in her time within her burrow, she has taken a liking to being at another's mercy.

Not harming her, taking my pinky, and giving her a very little swat to her spider arse, it was nothing. But a light tap It was precisely what she was after. She ended up laying face down on my shoulder. Her exoskeleton showed nothing from the impact, but her moan and red checks said it all.

Not being a cruel master, I wandered into her burrow, not asking her if it was fine as she didn't fall. After walking for a few steps into the dark, my eyes were allowed to adjust for a few minutes. Walking a little farther into her burrow, getting past the curved entrance hall, I found a few rooms within.

Each room cordoned off by curtains; pulling the curtains back, I find a spider's kitchen filled with webbed bodies. Moving from that room, I found an extensive library that looks to have books from new to centuries old.

This find was expected, yet the bookshelves were a surprise as they were made of wood, not silk. Finding her composure, my Arachne could see my confused face; she asked if I thought her former lovers didn't give her gifts.

My response was as such that they thought they would give such a tremendous gift was surprising. Such a grand library was fit for a queen; her lover had given her a substantial gift. She went on to tell me that one of the former Governor's had really fancied her even though he was married.

So he taught her to read and built this grand library to show his love. He and his wife were in an unhappy marriage of connivance. They were married yet had their lover's. The Governor's wife had the pastor's wife and him my Arachne.

Walking a little farther into the library, there look to be things in places of honor on pedestals. Looking at these items, I'm not sure what to make of them; on the first pedestal, there is a contract.

Some random items that are unknown to me, walking down the line, can only be described as a sword plunged into the pedestal. Walking a little farther down the line, my old coat is displayed with a repair made to the tear.

Looking closer at my old coat, a sewing dummy can be seen within. However, next to my old coat, there is what appears to be a new black coat folded up that matches my old coat. Putting a hand on the new coat, my Arachne pipes up that if master wishes that you can try on the coat she made.

Pealing off everything that was over my vest, putting Artemis down on a nearby table with my Arachne. Picking up the coat, I noticed how well made the coat was. Fulling putting the coat on buckling the buckles, this coat matched my old coat to every detail down to the wear marks.

Fiddling with the buckles, this texture doesn't feel like metal. It feels like her webbing, yet it is much more durable. Looking up at the ceiling, the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. This was her webbing, just not her steel thread.

This kind of webbing she uses to reinforce the walls of her burrow. A question hanging in the air was this coat for me or for another. So I asked, blushing she confirmed the coat was something she had created for me after getting to know me.

She was still blushing; for such a gesture, I started petting her head with one of my fingers gently. She started moaning as soon as my finger started petting her head covered in her long white hair.

After the petting was done, my hand was on the table, my Arachne quickly scampered up my arm back to her perch. When she reached her perch, she started nestling into my neck. This behavior was allowed as it was done in love, not as a harmful thing.

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