"Is that even a question!" James viewed her incredulously before hooking her arm and practically dragging her towards the store. They were soon racing, arms unhooked, snow falling in swirling patterns around them. Their laughter rang out, echoing in the white world. Anyone outside could hear the echos of their laughs, but wouldn't see them through the blinding white of snow.

The joke shop was warm and incredibly welcoming with it's bright colors. Noise spilled out from the front doors. Their first stop took up a majority of their time as they became distracted by the many toys and items in Zonkos. There were too many interesting, loud and colorful things for them to leave quickly, not that they'd ever want to anyways.

Their second stop, Airborne Air-life, took nearly as long, if not longer for them to leave. It became apparent to them then why their friends had ditched them so quickly. Despite Hannah's interest in quidditch she wasn't big on standing in a shop filled with books and knick-knacks for flying or cleaning a broom. Fred was distracted too easily and enjoyed moving from store to store at quick and random intervals. Then there was Layla and Alfie, who both couldn't care less about flying techniques or broom upkeep. The four had known their friends well enough to escape the endless quidditch talk that was no doubt to occur.

"I'm almost hurt that they decided they didn't want to spend time with us." Cassie sighed as she payed for a two new tip books and a cleaning kit. James laughed as he dumped an armful of various objects on to the counter.

"I'm not." He began digging through his pockets and counting out money. "If I'd gone with Alfie or Fred I wouldn't have gotten to discuss the likelihood of the Wasps beating the Arrows next year."

"I suppose that's true. Hannah would've just talked about how attractive Ludo Bagman's cousin is. Granted, Grecian Bagman is awfully good-looking. " James snorted as he held the door open for Cassie, moving on to the next store.

They successfully found gifts for their friends and family, making them very glad for the Hogsmeade visit. The rest of the weekend went by too fast and they were back in class before they could even blink.

The academic week was long. Teachers piled on homework, trying to get in as much as they could before Friday came. Students were becoming less involved in class and instead daydreaming about winter holidays.

Finally, Saturday the 21st came around. It was the day that students going home would be taking the train back. Those leaving the school had arisen early, scrambling around attempting to collect last minute items and stuff them into their suitcases, and eventually hurrying down to stuff in a quick breakfast before going searching for friends. Those staying behind showed up to breakfast to wish their friends and housemates a good holiday, but they still wore pajamas.

Cassie stood in the center of a group of students. They all took turns hugging her and wishing her a good winter break. She hugged a few Hufflepuffs, kissed a Ravenclaw on the cheek, high-fived a couple Gryffindors and squeezed her fellow Slytherins in large bear hugs.

James waited a small distance away from her with Alfie and Fred. Hannah came skipping over before Cassie did, she grabbed Alfie's hand and convinced him to leave and catch the others a carriage down to the train. Alfie gave a brief "See you in a bit" to his friends as he was dragged away. Layla and Cassie came skipping over, finished with their good byes.

Cassie began to usher the others out the door, expressing her concern that the carriages would be leaving at any moment. The group found the carriage that Alfie and Hannah had "saved" for them, they also found Alfie and Hannah snogging. James rolled his eyes.

"Can you two control your hormones?" Hannah stuck her tongue out in response.

"We aren't going to see each other for two whole weeks!" She squeaked indignantly. The train was filling fast when the carriage dropped them off and it wasn't likely for their to be many compartments left.

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