A showcase with @ohabigail, author of The assignment

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

what inspired me to write it was my sister  @itsmyjam because she wrote a similar story, and when i read it it really opened up new ideas for me as a writer.

 2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

something i struggled constructing was the characters personalities - it's a book of just their text messages, so i had to stay consistent of how they would act and how they would text. it was a bit difficult coming up with that.

 3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

i definitely enjoyed writing the character buildup & the main characters relationship. it went from them disliking each other to them becoming friends and then them dating in the end - it was really fun and entertaining to write that buildup.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your writers? 

all of my readers say that the story is fun and cute - i haven't had any problems from anyone and i've gotten a ton of positive feedback!

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

a standalone novel

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

i'd like me readers to be left with a smile after they're done reading the story - i am hoping the bubbly and positive vibes from the story rub off on them, and maybe even inspire them to create their own story that they love.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

i'd say to find a way to stay motivated - it's sometimes difficult finishing a story because you lose motivation and get bored with the story. find ways to stay excited to write your story, and don't ever see it as a chore because then it will become tiresome and you'll lose the fun of writing!

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

both main characters have a bit of myself in them - i'd say the male character acts a bit more like me, humorous, silly etc. so yes!

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

my book is a short story novel, and is made up of their text messages - a lot of people read it because it's fun and it's simple. most of the time people don't like reading through an entire 50 chapter book because it takes too long and the beginning of the book is boring and doesn't have any character buildup until the middle of the book. i'd say my book stays fun and exciting from the beginning to the end and most people read through the entire thing in an hour or less!

10 do you have any future projects?

not at the moment - but i have some ideas and may put them into a story in the future!

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